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Meeting the Chief. (Back log)

Posted on Tue Nov 10th, 2020 @ 7:07pm by Ensign Wulfgar Duergar & Lieutenant Commander Arianna Sky Kamar

Mission: Survival of the fittest
Location: Main Engineering

Wulfgar slid out of the Jeffreys tube after having replaced some contaminated gel packs and noticed that the Lieutenant Commander was finally free. He had worked on a few of the minor tasks while he waited for her to no longer be swamped. He set his tools down and approached her. "Lieutenant Commander? I'm your new Ensign and wanted to check in with you. I fixed some things while I waited to talk to you Ma'am." He said as he help out the PADD with his transfer orders to the Pennsylvania.

Arianna looked at the young Ensign. "Ens. Wulfgar Deurgar, pleased to meet you," she said taking the PADD from him. Scanning the PADD, "Interesting, you have excellent qualifications and recommendations from several instructors as well as other individuals. Welcome aboard to the Pennsylvania and to Main Engineering," she said holding out her hand.

"Thank you Ma'am. It's a pleasure to be here." Wulfgar stated as he accepted the half Klingon's hand shake with a firm grip. He had worked with a few Klingons and knew how proud they were. "I just hope I can live up to your expectations here and help keep this beautiful ship in one piece."

"That is a good frame of mind to have. You will do nicely here in engineering. I bark alot but I don't bite, so if you hear me swearing in klingon, its because something broke or blew up," Arianna said chuckling.

"I'll keep that in mind Ma'am." Wulfgar smiled as he spoke. "And if it's a part that broke or blew up on my watch, I might join you myself." He joked. For a half klingon, she had a great sense of humor. The Captain had given him the heads up but she was honest about her anger.

"Now let's get started. I bet you have questions for me, so ask away Wulfgar. Oh and before I forget, down here we are on a first name basis, so should I address you by your full rank and name, it means I'm gonna bark at you," Arianna said chuckling. "Now...," putting her hand on the young man's shoulder, " Where shall we begin?"

"Aye Ma'am. I'll remember that." Wulfgar stated realizing that she had never stated her name. "As for questions, I can't think of any other than where do you need me the most?" He asked as he glanced around engineering once more.

"Right here with me. Maybe you could be my assistant? How does that grab you?" Arianna said chuckling. 'Ptesently with all this jury rigging done, I never know when something will go boom. What new fangled stuff did they teach you in the academy now?" she added chuckling.

"I graduated the Academy about 10 years ago but I was a non-comissioned officer until about six months ago when I went through the officer candidate school to become an officer. I had obtained chief Petty officer when I was recommended by the co of Iota Station." Wulfgar stated as he thought on what Arianna had asked him. He would like to one day reach that position but he figured he would have to work hard before that day came, yet here he was being asked if he wanted it. He was silent a moment as he looked at her. His face held surprise at the least. "I... I would like that if you feel that I'm qualified enough Ma'am." He stammered.

"Well let's do this, you can be on probation for say three months. If you feel confident that you can handle the job, I will recommend to the captain to make it permanent. How's that grab you?" Arianna asked her young friend.

"That sounds great Ma'am. I just hope I can live up to your standards." Wulfgar said, a bit flabbergasted still but barely containing his excitement. "What's the current priority of repairs and do we have the materials or parts to complete them?" He asked as he looked over the PADD in his hand that showed the current damages to the ship. He had lowered his head to hide the excited grin he couldn't contain anymore.

Arianna smiled, "No need to hide the excitement, I remember when I got that same exact speech, I was almost jumping up and down with joy. You have a right to be excited. First priority is to keep her flying on warp 7. Second is shields, third, both long and short range scanners. Weapons, life support, IDF and SIF and emergency forcefield come after that. Main thing is to keep this lady running. Power is of the utmost importance. Without it we die," she said now serious.

"Aye Ma'am. So engines and power are top priority. I'll get right on that unless you have it covered then I can take care of shields." Wulfgar said as he entered his own notes into his PADD. He pulled up the last engine diagnostic and shield diagnostic to look over when he was dismissed. He was itching to dive in and start to prove her right in her choice of assistant Chief. He didn't want to let her down.

"Yes and the power is covered but let's get the shields up to par and then we can work on the rest. Where do we start?" Arianna asked the eager beaver, laughing. She knew he was itching to get busy so she gave him his chance to take the lead.

Wulfgar thought a moment. "For shields we need to know where they are currently at and try to increase their output without draining other systems. The engines need to have parts crafted and I'm sure that we can build the parts we need using the replicators by replicating the base components." He furrowed his brow in deep thought as he started tapping away on his PADD he always had with him. "If we do this.... We then can do that. Yes, it should work." He started saying to himself. His mind was rushing a million miles a minute as he used some of his father's old advice. 'If you don't have what you need, build it. It might not be pretty but it'll do the job.' He looked up from his PADD and without thinking said to Arianna, "Pull up the list of parts that are lacking and the current available materials. We will be building our own parts by hand." He turned to a group of engineers. "I need you to try to increase the shield output by 20 percent and to monitor the warp field. If it drops below 6.25, let me know." He looked back at his PADD and nodded. "This should work!" He told him self with a smile.

Arianna was impressed with his sudden skills. She had no idea that Wulfgar could take command of a task in the form he did. Very professional, direct, and politely. Thinking to herself, 'He will do nicely as my right hand". "Yes Sir Mr. Wulfgar," she answered, laughing, she brought up the requested list.

Wulfgar started to access the components schematics of each part and the matching material. He pulled up records of the manufacturing plants for each one and transferred the Data to the holodeck. "Thank you Ma'am." He said and seemed to be on the verge of speaking again when what he had just said and to whom he had spoken to hit him. He looked up at Arianna, a look of shock on his face. "I... I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to give you orders." He stammered before he dropped his face, beet red.

Arianna let out a deep Klingon belly laugh. Slapping him on his back, Wulfgar, son, you'll make a fine Assistant CEO. You take command of a situation fast, and start getting it done. I like that in a good engineer. Now, finish what you were going to say before you turned red....." she said, still chuckling.

"We use the holodecks and replicators to manufacture our own parts. This way we can have proper fitting part and not have to rely on trade so heavily." Wulfgar said as he returned back to transferring the Data to everyone's PADD. "We'll have a few hard day's but I think we could fix 30 percent in a week if we all pull double shifts."

"Sounds good to me . Make up your duty shifts and run them by me. Then get her done," Arianna said smiling.

"Aye Ma'am. You will have the duty roster by this evening." Wulfgar said as he picked up his PADD and started to look over the engineering crew. He would reach over and send another set of schematics and holo programs out every few minutes as he worked on two other things in a rotating manner. Once in a while he looked up and would tell someone that he needed something or other done or ask the status of various systems.



Lieutenant Commander Arianna Sky Kamar
Chief Engineer


Ensign Wulfgar Duergar
Engineering Officer


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