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Continuing Investigation

Posted on Mon Feb 10th, 2020 @ 8:48pm by Lieutenant Shri'Rao Sh'veqan & Lieutenant Commander Arianna Sky Kamar

Mission: Discovery
Location: Engineering deck
Timeline: Day 03 1300 hrs

Shri'Rao made her way down to the engineering deck. In her conversation with the Captain, He had indicated that there were several incidents of sabotage in the recent past and that her predecessor was investigating with Commander Kamar.

As the new Chief of Security, Shri'Rao thought she would follow-up.

The Andorian officer looked around Engineering was spotless. She asked one of the technicians where the Chief Engineer was and was directed over ot the warp core.

"Excuse me Commander Kamar, I am following up with the investigation of the poisoning of the Captain and crew and was wondering if you could spare a few minutes to discuss some concerns?"

"Of course Lt. Shri'Rao, how may I be of service," Arianna said putting down the new duty roster she was working on currently.

"Can we talk about this someplace private, there is a degree of discretion that needs to be maintained." Shri'Rao asked.

Arianna led the Lieutenant to her office and they sat down. She offered Lt. Shri'Rao something to eat and drink as she got a ractijino.

Once they were in the commanders office Shri'Rao explained the two things she wanted. First she relayed that the captain had suggestion that she talk to her about the ongoing sabotage as she had been a first hand witness. The second was to inform her that the chain of custody of the bottle had been traced to one of her officers, Lieutenant JG Molly Fitzgerald. Apparently she had handled the bottle. Also according to her file she had been arrested for protesting the catapult and had some known anti-Ferengi sentiments. When security had checked her quarters they had found traces of the same bio toxin consistent with what was found in everyone that had drank of the Ferengi spirits.

"Do you know where Lt Fitzgerald is commander?" Shri'Rao asked.

"I don't believe it! But then again it is possible. She has been keeping to herself lately. I wasn't sure what was wrong or what she was up to. Lt. Shri'Rao are you sure about this?" Arianna asked. "At this time she should be in her quarters getting ready to come on duty," she added.

Shri'Rao's antennae shot up then faced the Chief Engineer.

"Yes Ma'am the investigation was thorough, the evidence is conclusive. As a professional courtesy I wanted to bring this to your attention so we could decide how to best handle this. Also as I stated I wanted to get you insights on the sabotage that occurred before I took my current position." Shri'Rao said.

"My opinion? opinion does not enter into it. She made a fool amd laughing stock of my department. Just go get her and slap her in the brig before I forget who I am. My insights on the sabotage is that someone in the Federation wants to see either the captain or this ship fail to carry out her mission," Arianna said coursely and with just a hint of anger in her voice.

"Very good commander that is exactly what we will do." Shri'Rao said.

Security found and arrested Molly Fitzgerald and she was left behind in the brig on the starbase to await sentencing for her crimes.



Lieutenant Shrirao Sh'veqan
Lieutenant Commander Arianna Sky Kamar


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