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Flora and Spooks

Posted on Fri Nov 20th, 2020 @ 3:19pm by

Mission: Survival of the fittest
Location: Shuttlecraft

Ana sat in the shuttlecraft, staring out the windows in silence. She didn't address the other people on the craft heading to the Pennsylvania. Nor did she wish to.

Silence was her language. It allowed her to think. Allowed her to process. Silence was the language of brainwork, and brainwork was her reason for being.

She stared out the window, and tried working out the intelligence reports for the Delta Quadrant.

They were... scattered, at best.

She had volunteered for Delta Quadrant assignment. She looked forward to the idea of not being anywhere near her previous postings.

She picked up her altered PADD, and flipped through some of the files, while keeping an eye on the others present.

She idly patted Fred's head.

Fred was a plant. He was also her closest friend.

"What's with the weed?" One of the other officers present asked.

Anastasia looked up with a glare. "He's a flower. His name is Fred."

"He's a dandelion. They're weeds." The officer retorted.

"He's a flower." Ana grumbled. "Don't give him self image issues."

"How do you know he's a he?" One of the people in Intelligence colors pondered. "He's a plant."

"He spreads pollen without assistance." Ana clarified. "He doesn't require pollination."

"That's simple enough." The Intelligence officer admitted.

"He's still a weed." The first officer pointed out.

"What is a flower, if not a weed that has become pretty enough to be treated kindly?" Ana shrugged.

"Who are you supposed to be, ma'am?" The Intelligence officer asked.

"Anastasia Morrow." Ana paused, and checked her file. "And you are..." She checked through her files. "Ensign James Miller."

"I know that name from somewhere." Miller said, looking towards Ana.

"Chief Intelligence Officer. I should hope so. I'm being assigned as your section chief." Ana said, idly.

"Why are you wearing a security jacket?" Miller asked.

Ana took it off to reveal her purple uniform. "I wore it for 20 years. It's familiar." Ana shrugged.

Miller shook his head. "20 years, ma'am?"

Ana narrowed her eyes. "20. Years." She reiterated, giving him a glare.

"That's human female for do not ask my age." An Andorian in security gold pointed out.

"My bad." Miller said, quietly.

Ana gave the Andorian a smile. "Thank you."

"Of course, ma'am." The Andorian nodded.

Ana patted Fred's head again, before turning her attention back to her intel files.

"We're on final approach for the Pennsylvania." The pilot noted.

Ana looked up. "Already?"

"What do you mean, already? We've been in this stupid tin can for 3 days!" Miller grumbled.

"I'm used to... slower methods of travel." Ana clarified, without explaining.

"Slower than Warp 5?" Miller asked.

Ana glared at Miller. "There are a great many things that an Intelligence Officer cannot discuss, and this is one of them. I'm going to use the word classified, and you're going to drop the subject."

Miller nodded. "Yes, ma'am. Shutting up, ma'am."

"Lieutenant." Ana winced. "Stop making me feel old."

"Yes, ma'am." Miller nodded again.

Ana sighed. "This is why I prefer the company of flowers."




Lieutenant JG Anastasia Morrow
Chief Intelligence Officer

Ensign James Miller
Intel Analyst



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