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House call

Posted on Mon Dec 7th, 2020 @ 1:22pm by Ensign Wulfgar Duergar & Lieutenant Commander James Trallos MD

Mission: Survival of the fittest
Location: Wulfgar's quarters


Wulfgar sat at one of the desks and was going over reports one of the other engineers would drop off to him. He was awaiting the Doctor's visit. The spot on his lower ribs and upper abdomen where that Kyle had hit him had been very painful the last few days plus he was due for a physical.

James made his way around the hall and saw a security guard posted next to a door. He assumed this was the place and made his way to the door. He looked at the guard. "House call. May I?" The guard nodded and pressed a button on the door unlocking and opening the door into the quarters and walked him in. "Ensign Duergar?"

"Aye Sir." Wulfgar stated as he got to his feet. "I'm here" he sat his PADD on the desk and smiled at the doctor. "My crew mates are on duty so it's just me here Sir"

"Understood. I got a notice about an incident that needed some more follow up?" The doctor said as he dismissed the guard back to his station, letting the door close behind him.

Wulfgar nodded as he removed his shirt. On the left side where the ribs end was a large, two day old bruise. "As your aware, there was an incident that resulted in my confinement. I took a very hard hit in the fight and need it looked at. I would have reported it sooner but I thought it was just a large bruise but I get sharp pains with every breath. I think I might have a broken rib." He moved a chair away from his desk and sat down so that the Doctor could examine it.

The doctor took a look. The color radiated around an obvious point of impact. Dark blues and purples slowly spread into reds and oranges. "At first glance, I'd say your right." He set his bag down and reached out and began to touch around the boarder of the bruised region and slowly toward the center. "Does any of this hurt?"

Wulfgar winced at the doc's touch but fought the instinct to pull away. "Yeah, it's painful." The doctor could see the large tear like scar on his left shoulder going down part of his back.

"Looks like you've got some stories for me in your medical history. Anything I need to know right now for your current treatment?" He asked reaching into his labcoat and pulling our his tricorder. He began scanning at the top of the Ensign's head and worked his way down for a deep scan on his torso.

"Hmm? Oh! The scar on my back? No, no connection or concern in this situation. The scars from my teen years volunteering to help with the forest maintenance. I helped fall dead trees so that they wouldn't break and fall on people enjoying the park near my home in Washington." Wulfgar remained still for the scan. "The only injury that I'm worried about is the ribs doc." He sat a moment before he looked at the Doctor. "Jane told me you play the Banjo, is that true Doc?"

"Thats correct. Was in a bluegrass band in Medschool. Learned from my grandfather back home in the West Virginia mountains." He looked at his tricorder and scanned around his back. "Im familiar with logging. Important part of good forest management. Also learned some of the trade with my grandfather. He tried to maintain aor of the old traditions."

"Traditions are important. My mother was from a more known family and my sister and I had to learn instruments, she learned the piano and I learned the Cello." Wulfgar said, smiling. "Sometimes I'll play recordings of her piano recital and play my cello with it. We used to practice for hours."

"That is good." The doctor said and set his tricorder on the table and pulled out an osteoregenerator. "You were not far off. Multiple cracked ribs and internal swelling. The ribs avoided the lungs nicely so nothing punctured. Just take a few minutes and I'll have you patched up." He said and started running the waves over the ribs. "I'm no investigator, but I did treat Ensign Doe. She was a bit worse for wear when she got to me. I understand you were there prior to all of this?"

"Yes I was." Wulfgar said he knew it might happen, just about everyone had asked him about it. "I'm glad she's alright. I should have done more to keep it from going as far as it did. If only I had gotten that guy out before she came out or stopped her from getting to close." He shook his head and chuckled. "Hindsights twenty twenty they say."

The doctor smirked as he continued. "Thats what my blackjack dealer always told me. You can just do what you can, when you can with what you have." The doctor set down the tool and picked up a dermal regenerator next and began going from the outside in of his wound. "You did what you can in the situation at the time. You got beat up enough, no need to add your own to it."

"Did they ever get that guy treated? How badly did I hurt him?" Wulfgar asked. He needed to know what he had actually done to the guy. All he remembered was the guy, his nose broken and his face covered in blood. His knuckles stung for a day after and it had been in the brig that he had cuts and scrapes on his hand. They were healing just fine now but he had to know.

"He's alive." James answered as he worked the regenerator closer toward the central brusing. "That is about all I can tell you. Patient privacy. I do that with all my patients. Just physicians ethics. Helps patients be more open when they know it is within confidence."

"Do you know what the captain has in store for him and I?" Wulfgar asked as he held still for the doctor to continue. "Am I to be released soon?"

James let out a smirk. "Well, I dont have to hide what I know about that since I know nothing. The plus side is you're not in the brig, so I'd take that as a positive step. Far as timeliness goes for an answer, the time table wil depend on how fast the Chief of Security can do her investigation." He looked up while he was finishing up. "Either way, I'd get comfortable just in case it is longer than shorter on her investigation. We are in unknown space, lots of things can draw her time away."

"Aye, that's true sir." Wulfgar agreed. "So doc? Am I gonna die?" He asked, chuckling. He'd have to have a drink with the doc sometime after he got out again.

"Well," he said as he put his equipment away and began to straighten up. "Far as I can tell, you should make it through the night and through your confinement. I would go out of my way to avoid any cage fighting for the next week, but otherwise I think you should be good to go. Cleared for work on my end, just need the Captain to let you out.'

"Thank you Doc. Can I offer you a drink sir?" Wulfgar asked as he got up and walked over to the replicator.

"I appreciate the offer, but I've got some rounds left to do. Maybe another time though." He said picking up his bag. "Id recommended no PT for a day or so. That will give the bones and muscles just a little extra healing time, but should be ok to do any in room PT you want. Unless you're out by then."

"So no weight lifting, got it." Wulfgarjoked with a wink. "Thanks again Doc, I already feel better."

"Good. That is always the hope. Have a good evening Ensign. Hopefully this will all get straightened out soon." He said as he headed to the door.

"I hope so too, Sir and you have a great evening as well." Wulfgar said just before the doc left. He turned back and picked up his discarded shirt and tossed onto his bunk before he grabbed the PADD with the reports on it. He laid down on his bunk and began going over the most recent status reports and diagnostics on key systems.


Lieutenant James Trallos MD
Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Wulfgar Duergar
Engineering Officer


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