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Worlds with in worlds

Posted on Mon Nov 16th, 2020 @ 10:42am by

Mission: Season Two - Incidentals
Location: Science section - will look it up


Jane had been waiting a while for a chance to get to talk to the lovely Talaxian science officer she had met at poker. Ensign Vereelix. She had felt so awful having to run out on poker. But Mrs. Rhodes had been in crisis and Jane had had to go to her. She hoped she had not offended the boys leaving as abruptly as she had. She had an idea. A project, well more a interest that she wanted to explore with him. She had looked up his schedule and knew she should catch him coming off duty. She could only hope that he didnt have any plans directly after. She arrived at the science section and not having access she loitered outside the door waiting for him to leave.

Vereelix stepped away from his station in the Lab, he had been studying earth fauna and comparing it with some of Talaxaians. He was surprised to see Jane standing outside of the lab, he cleaned his hands and exited the lab, "Hello Jane, to what do I owe this visit?"

"I had several reasons.. But first.. Do you think you could help me set up a terrarium?" She asked. "I was spelunking on the holo deck and came across this isolated patch that had all these neat things living in it. It got me wondering about different habitats and how they self maintain. I know I could read up on it from the computer but that's just not enough I want to see it.. you know experience it as it thrives. Then I thought well it would be neat if I did a couple of them two from the Alpha quadrant a marsh like habitat and a forest like one. Then have two of the same from Delta quadrant planets that are similar and then make comparisons. What do you think?" She asked.

"I'm not sure what plants are native your planet, I was just studying Earth's Venus Fly Trap. It is a fascinating plant. How large of a terrarium would you like?" Vereelix asked.

"Ah yeas. One of six hundred known carnivores plant species on Earth. A very diverse group." Jane had said fascinated at what he had said. Then to his question. "I was thinking maybe a gallon sized sealable jar nothing too big."

"That will not be difficult, as far as plants go, we may be able to get some smaller ones from the garden in the arboretum. I believe we could also acquire a worthy containment vessel from the kitchen. Chef will probably have some large class jars." Vereelix thought for a moment before asking, "Did you come all this way to ask me about plants Jane?"

"In part, But no. I also wanted to apologies to you about Poker the other night. A friend of mine needed me. It was still rude of me though. So I am very sorry for it. As a symbol of my good will and hope at maintaining our friendship I ..: She reached into the pocket of her uniform and pulled out a folded piece of paper. It was tinted pink and had confetti printed on the faded back ground and it smelled of strawberry cupcakes. On it written in neat hand printed letters of purple ink was written a story. She gave it to him. "Wolfy says you like stories." She said smiling. "I thought you might like this one."

"I do like stories, they are a tradition among my people to share. An earth author once said, a man dies 2 deaths, 1 when he physically dies, and the second is the last time his name is spoken by someone who knew him. We keep our family alive by stories," Vereelix graciously took the written story. "Thank you for your gift Jane, it will be cherished," he said as he smelled the gentle scents.

Wulgar hadn't explained any of that. It made her all the more happy that she had chosen to do it now. "Thank you. Now for my big question. Do you know of any Delta quadrant species that use Organic technology?"

Vereelix scratched the back of his head while he thought, "Organic technology? That's honestly not something I have studied. There may be something here, I could do some research for you, if you wish."

"Only if you have the time." Jane said softly, she didnt want to add too much extra work on her new friend.

"It would be my pleasure," Vereelix replied, "Why the interest in organic technology? It isn't something that's used in common circles."

"Just curious. mostly in bio luminesces I am thinking of a possible glow in the dark ant farm or even possibly butterflies down the road." Jane said. "The caves again. they had this moss that would light up when it was brushed up against like it transferred energy and on one of the holodeck ship programs there is a place in in the ocean that lights up due to a special algae. Its intriguing and I was thinking of how it could be applied to modern day mechanics and fiberoptic as far as energy transference through light and so on. Heck might even find a means of communication with plants. Wouldn't that be something?" A smile brightened her face as her eyes went far away as if she were picturing the many things in her minds eye and finding them favorable. "Merely a curiosity. But one worth exploring."

Vereelix nodded, he had never thought along those lines before. Most of his study with plants was based on growing edibles. He had however done quite a bit of research with mosses and some bacteria. "I will definitely see what I can come up with, I do like a good challenge.

"Thank you. Its nothing you need to rush on. I know everyone is busy trying to get the ship back in order. Now last thing. I promise. How would you like to join me and the doctor and a few friends on the holodeck for a tropical barbeque?? Good friends, good food, I think you would have a really good time. You might even get to see me attempt to swim. I just cant see it being any kind of fun with out you with us." Jane said

"I'm not sure what a Barbie Q is," Vereelix said, "But I do like food. May I bring a Talaxian dish? I would like to share some of my culture with you and Wulfgar."

"Of course, you can bring anything you like. I cant wait to try it." Jane said genuinely excited at the prospect of perhaps doing a pot luck to encourage inter cultural exchange. It was a brilliant idea and she was glad that Vereelix had given rise to it.

"Sounds exciting just let me know when so I can be prepared. We need to check the holodeck schedule and see when its available. Thank you for making an effort to include me, being the new guy isn't always glamorous, especially if you're the only one of your species aboard," said Vereelix.

His words tugged at her heart stings. She actually understood what he meant more intimately then most. He upbringing had been full of moments of her being the only human around. It was a lonely place to find yourself. "Well if you ever find yourself in need of a friend you know where to find me. I may not be a Talaxian but I am good fun." She said. "I better let you get back to what you were doing."

"I was just finishing my shift, I was planning on getting a shower and then reading a book before eating supper. Do you want to hang out later or set something up for later this week?" Vereelix asked.

"you like to read eh??" Jane asked his words triggering a reminder to her brain. She stuffed it down quickly though. 'you can bring up the book club after you answer his question,' "we can catch up whenever you feel up to it anytime is fine by me."

"Sounds good, we can meet up later in the lounge, or cafeteria, I need to shower before I eat," Vereelix said with a chuckle. "I'm headed to my quarters i will see you later," he said as he headed to the turbo lift.

"I look forward to it." Jane waited a few minuets more. Lost in thought, a daydream really. Of all her friends together on the holodeck, just getting to know each other and having a good time. It made her smile to know it would be a reality soon enough. She headed to the lift herself after a while. Off to her next project to keep her occupied until it was time to meet up with Vereeelix later. "Ill go bother Wolfy." She said to herself as she stepped into the lift.


Ensign Vereelix
Science Officer

Ensign Jane Doe


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