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Meeting the Department Heads - Chief Counsellor

Posted on Thu Oct 17th, 2019 @ 4:05pm by Major Naomi Sylan Griffiths & Lieutenant Malik Bancroft

Mission: Onboarding & Departure
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


After speaking with Lieutenant North Naomi decided to go visit the head shrink, officially known as Chief Counsellor, so leaving the Science Department she headed down the corridor to the nearest lift and got in and like before when the doors had closed.

"Chief Counsellors Office," she said and she was whisked in that direction, for the moment she expected the CCO to be in medical arranging things ready for their department to operate plus she did not know yet where the Counsellors Office was on this ship, but she would have to find out and Medical was a good place to start.

After a short trip, she finally arrived at her destination and stepped out of the lift and headed straight into Medical and looked for the Counsellor, not recognizing them she went over to a console and called up the service file to see what the CCO looked like, with this she looked around again and saw a tall male currently in the CMO's office, so signing off the console she walked over to the office and knocked on the door frame.

Malik looked up at the door to the sound of the knock. Smiling he motioned for the woman to enter. "Hello, I'm a Counselor Bancroft. You must be the first officer?" he said.

A little surprised "yes I am *holding out her hand* Major Naomi Griffiths 95th Rifles by regiment, but in this instance, I am the XO, I am making my rounds getting to know some of the department heads before we set out on our mission to the DQ" she responded.

Malik was a bit confused as to why there was a marine in the first officer's position. "Mind if I ask you a question?" Malik asked as he offered a seat to the Major.

Naomi simply nodded and replied, "go ahead, Counsellor."

"From what I saw on the manifest you are the only Starfleet Marine on board yes?" asked the counsellor.

*nods* "For the moment, I hear there are going to be around fifty other marines on this ship before we leave and they will act as heavy back up but will work within Security Department. As this ship is not originally designed as a troop carrier some other uses have to be made for marines besides fighting" she finished with a smile.

Malik smiled. "New blood to torture with my psychobabble. I look forward to it."

*gives the Counsellor one of her looks* "torture me with your technobabble Counsellor!! Is that not a dangerous thing to do to your First Officer?" Griffiths asked. "New blood I may be, but do not overdo it with unneeded technobabble, it will not be needed and it would get tiresome, I am a marine, I know of at least twenty ways to kill you with the stuff in this office alone" she added in a deadpan tone as she looked around.

"I like you, Major. You are forthright, honest and you remind me of my late fiance. He too was a Marine." said Malik. " He often gave me looks, just like the one you're giving me now. I certainly didn't mean that you yourself were new blood aboard this beautiful vessel, in fact, we are all new blood here. It's my own way of saying I look forward to meeting new people. It's sorta like a coping mechanism I have when I meet someone new."

*smiling warmly* "Thank you for the compliment Counsellor, you say the kindest things," she said adding a teasing tone into her reply, she had yet to take a seat as she had not been invited to do so, yes she was the First Officer, but this office was the Counsellors territory rank and station would not fly in this office. *begins to pace* "So you are new huh! Being new to the ship is not the same being new to the Command track on a Starship, gimme a unit of Marines on the ground and I am in my element, but my position is new to me, so little or no technobabble would be appreciated" she said.

Malik gave a nod. "Duly noted." He turned and walked around to the other side of his desk. "I gather since you are quite busy trying to get to know all the senior staff, how about we set up an appointment that coincides with your schedule for your psychiatric evaluation?" asked the Counsellor.

She gave him a sideways glance and a raised eyebrow "excuse me!" she said "my mental state is that of a marine officer Alpha Female type A and otherwise I am quite sane" she said as she had never been fond of Counsellors, regardless of how nice they were. Giving him another look "sadly I know I have to have an assessment" she finished.

"So...when would be a good time for you to have that evaluation?" Malik asked. "I can assure you that all I am going to do is have you do a psychotropic stability test. It's similar to what everyone goes through at the Academy before they graduate."

*Makes a pained expression" "Lieutenant, I went to OCS the Marine equivalent of the Academy for my basic officer training, I only attended an advanced course at Starfleet Academy for when I was going to become the First Officer on this ship, so unless it is similar to a mental evaluation, you may need to explain it to me. Just for clarification when I went through OCS it was a separate training facility, now both are done at Starfleet Academy" Griffiths clarified.

"Basically what it is is a test used to gauge an individual's psychological reaction to the images that the computer projects. During the session I'll be recording your reactions," said Malik.

*raises a curious eyebrow* "Interesting, do not think I went through one of them at OCS or even on my last physical *groans* which reminds me I have to book my physical with the ships doctor" Griffiths commented "what type of images are you talking about El-tee?" she asked.

"It's all randomized. I have no control of the pictures. It can be from pictures of animals to a picture of wars. Like I said, we use this to gauge how someone reacts to these pictures." said Malik.

"Interesting, so randomization, did not do anything like this while I was in OCS, so next thing we need to is to set up a time for me to do this" she said raising a curious eyebrow.

"All that's needed is to set up a time, yes." said Malik.

*nods* "Right, can I get back to you on that Counsellor? Kind of busy doing my rounds at the moment" Griffiths said.

"That's fine. Just give me a heads up before you come by. You never know. I may be with a patient." said Malik.

"Will do *beat* well I shall leave you to your duties" Naomi said and left the Counsellors office to return to her duties making a mental note to make an appointment, but only if needed.



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