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Discovering the Unknown (Part 3)

Posted on Sun Jun 20th, 2021 @ 8:27pm by Captain Dirk Taggart & Lieutenant Commander Deannen Roinu & Lieutenant Commander Arianna Sky Kamar & Major Naomi Sylan Griffiths & Lieutenant Shri'Rao Sh'veqan & Lieutenant Commander James Trallos MD & Lieutenant JG Vespa Kale

Mission: Exploring the unknown
Location: Bridge

Captain Dirk Taggart listened to the Major's words and watched as she rendered the ship's counsellor unconscious. The raised voice of the Dalacari broke his thought process along with the Helmsman's or woman in her case that the Nebula fed off of anger. His first trial as Captain of the Pennsylvania was not going well.

He opened the comms channel to his senior officers before speaking in a curt, tightly controlled voice, "Engineering, please provide an engine status, Medical, please get me the Counsellor’s status as soon as she is under your care. Security, I want all first aid stations locked down. I want no more incapacitated officers via hypospray," he said while staring at the Major.

Arianna returned back to her station still livid but somewhat in what they call a 'false calm', "According to my idiots, we might get warp 6 in an hour if those idiots don't kill themselves first," she said.

Griffith's just shrugged "she was in mental anguish Captain, perhaps a few minutes of blissful silence may help her, which is more than I can say for the rest of us, computer Medical," she said as she entered the lift and the doors closed.

"Rouni, I don't know how you jumped to the conclusion that this feeds off of anger but I'd like you to discuss it further with Kale. Operations, please assist Kale or the engineers however you can. I don't want to be a sitting duck inside this nebula one second longer."

Rouni replied, "As a Betazed, I have telepathic powers and I somehow feel it is feeding on the energy of our fighting. The more we fight it seems like the stronger the pull on Pennsylvania is stronger and it also feels like I am feeling the thoughts of a lifeform. that is trying to communicate by telepathy. But I have not been able to make a connection with it yet Captain.

Kale, perhaps you can look for some signs that the nebula is trying to communicate with us. perhaps on a narrow band wave similar to how Telepaths communicate with each other. "

"I've never had the chance to study a live telepathic brain." One of Vespa's forms spoke up, turning to face the Captain and by extension, Rouni. "What every complete Dalacari has isn't even close to their projective..."

"... mentality. I'll need to study the wavelengths in question before I can look. Another question that I can't answer outside the labs." the other form spoke as she turned to join the conversation. Both forms laid their glance upon the Lieutenant Commander, and in unison, both halves spoke. "I'd need a volunteer."

There was something predatory in that spoken request. The primary antagonist of the room had left, leaving Vespa the closest thing, evolutionarily speaking at any rate, to a predatory creature. The anger of competition had left the moment those turbolift doors closed shut, taking the only one willing to nearly kill another crewmember with them. Tranquillized indeed.

Rouni replied, "With the Captains permission I am willing to assist Kale in this if they don't cause problems when I am needed at the Helm Captain. If we make contact with it we may find a way out of the nebula and be on our way."

Vespa signed off on her console, before her binary forms turned, "Captain, I'm heading to the labs to see what I can find out." it was half a request, and half a statement. One of her bodies turned to face Rouni, "If you'd come with me?" as the twins made their way towards the turbolift.

Arianna was still venting her anger with the inaptness of her department. "I don't give a targs ass if you can't unjam the magnetic constrictors, just GET IT DONE!!", she growled, literally punching the bulkhead a third time. She was livid and rabid and if she didn't cool her jets soon, someone was going to be missing a body part. They needed to get away from this place and soon. "I'm doing no good here! You want me, I'll be in engineering chopping body parts. I'll make this fly if I have to do it my DAMN SELF!," she added storming off the bridge unladylike. "FEK'LAR!!!" she yelled in the empty turbo lift yet again.

Vespa came to a halt as Arianna stomped on by, cursing and yelling and generally just being a child. The Dalacari shook her heads, letting the impatient hybrid down the turbolift first, before waiting for it to return ready to serve. "And THAT'S one of the main problems of mixed breeding. This way." she bid Rouni follow as she entered the lift and set it for the deck with her labs on it.


As the lift opened onto Medical level Griffiths looked down at the stirring Counsellor "I so envy you at this moment in time Counsellor, I am also sorry I had to render you unconscious, I want you to know I still have the utmost respect for you, but your services will be needed after this as emotions will be raw" Griffith's said as she walked into medical "Doctor Trallos" she shouted placing Hart on the Bio bed and standing over her until the doctor arrived.

The doctor stood up from a table his nurse and he was sitting at and made their way over quickly. He opened and closed his left fist a few times slowly. No fractures but it was going to be sore until he could treat it. That would wait until this got sorted out. His medical bay was filling up faster than he would like. "What do you got for me, Major?" He asked running a scanner over the counsellor's body. His nurse activating monitors and calibrating the biobed for her physiology.

"On the bridge, the emotions the crew are feeling due to the nebula we are currently in is affecting the crew, you must have noticed the heightened emotions judging from all the crew in medical. Anyway I digress all the bridge crew were losing their tempers, the Counsellor here being an Empath was feeling it all and lost emotional control and tried attacking us on the bridge, so I rendered her unconscious with a hypo so she would not herself or anyone else, then I brought her here, she will be needed after we leave this nebula as emotions are running high, you must be feeling some anger and frustration Doctor?" Griffiths asked.

The doctor looked at her. "Of course I am. My sickbay is filling up with people fighting each other over petty squabbles. Now whether that anger is from the Nebula or just because I'm a cranky doctor is up to debate." The doctor started reading the scans and nodded. "Anyway, I have a hypothesis going right now that whatever is going on is hitting telepaths the hardest, or at least first. See if I'm on to anything. Our counsellor is an Empath and overloaded, Commander Kamar also a part empath, lost it early on. Lieutenant Kale, linked mind and was pretty aggressive."

"And over there." The doctor pointed at a corner biobed. "Dr T'Pon, Vulcan. She said she was feeling off and confrontational and wanted to be examined. I had two Betazoids ahead of her and told her she was on the list. She grabbed my lab coat and insisted rather forcefully to be treated. I told her to relax because she was beginning to act human with her demands. That stopped her up quick, but notice that she is pacing in front of the bed. I've never seen a Vulcan pace before."

Looking at Trallos in disbelief "I had no idea it was that bad, but will the Counsellor be okay?" Griffiths asked the doctor very concerned, she was feeling the effects, but thanks to her combat training it was currently manageable, but she was still feeling the effects.

The doctor nodded. "She should be fine. The hypos contain a dose of Anesthezine, should wear off in a couple hours. Mostly just a dreamlike sleep."

"Indeed, well I have to get back to the bridge, can you let me know when the Counsellor is awake and less confrontational please Doctor?" Griffiths asked as she massaged her temples "my training allows me some leeway to controlling negative emotions, but even I have been feeling the same as everyone else, I just control it better" she added

The doctor shrugged. "When I can get to it I will. I'll need to mend tweedle Dee and tweedle Dumb's hands over there first. When she's up ill let you know. Should be a couple hours."

"Thank you, Doctor, I will leave you to your duties and return to the bridge, someone has to make sure the Captain does not kill his bridge crew," she said with grim humour and with a strained smile left medical.

"Make sure he doesn't make me more work!" The doctor shouted after her. He sighed after she left and looked around. All these people in here for being dumb and fighting. oO At least this was not something major. Oo the doctor thought. As soon as the sentence finished in his mind alarms started chimming on the counsellor's biobed. She spazzumed and twitched as the alarms rang. "Blast, thought too soon. Amber, Give me a hand." He said moving to the counsellor's side. A quick skim of the alarms and monitors was showing severe brainwave abnormalities.

"Cortical stimulator and Morphenolog." He said and moved over to her head. The nurse handed him the tool and a hypo with the drug in it loaded. He injected the drug quickly and placed the stimulator on her head. Pairing it with the tricorder he looked over. "Hands clear. Delivery in 3,2,1." With a small jolt, the Lieutenant stopped convulsions and appeared to lay still. The monitors were slowly returning to where they should be. "Stay with me Addie, you can do this."


Vespa leads her guest through the doors into the primary science labs. Already there was a buzz of activity as the computers here were already working on projects. Everything from personal studies to atmospheric composition, nothing was idle in Vespa's science lab. "Welcome to Primary Sciences. Though I've noticed that Starfleet ships only have ONE science lab, so... welcome to sciences," she stated to Rouni, before motioning to a seat. "Have a seat. I'll get my scanning equipment and..."

"... then I can begin the examination." the Dalacari brought over a wheeled tray with various instruments on it. "Alright, so what I want you to do is not use your talents while I scan for the next..."

"... few moments to establish a baseline. Then, see if you can establish contact with me. I'll try to think happy thoughts, promise.

Rouni accompanied them to the Lab and took a seat. She smiled, "I have been getting a lot of angry thoughts lately. Happy will be much liked."


After a short turbo lift ride and a few more temple massages, Naomi stepped out onto the bridge and returned to her seat on the bridge, she looked at Taggart "the Counsellor will be fine Captain, just thought you should know, but medical have a lot of crew in medical, the sooner we get out of this nebula the better" Griffiths said.

"Thank you, Major," Taggart replied, making a mental note to discuss the incident with the Counselor privately.

"Captain I am getting messsages from all over the ship about fights breaking out, Security is on it, but are being overwhelmed by sheer numbers" Shri'Rao said.

"Disable all weapons armorys I don't want anyone getting their hands on any weapons if we can help it. I'm hoping we get some answers soon," the Captain said quickly.


As she walked into ME, a piece of metal went whizzing by her head landing up against the far bulkhead. Looking for who, she saw three crewmen doing a good job of killing each other. "Bloody hell!!" she hollered as she pulled them apart. Trying to control her anger, she shoved them into three corners, "What the devil is going on? I give you a simple order and what do I find??? The three of you idiots fighting and for what? Get your asses back to work. I need atleast warp 6 in an hour or I will have your HEADS!Is that CLEAR!!!!", Arianna growled as the three ran from her sight. "As for the rest of you fools.....get to work!", she narked picking up the tool kit and headed for the nacelle housing.

Continued on Part 4


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