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Posted on Sun Sep 22nd, 2019 @ 3:16am by Lieutenant Cyrin Xanth & Major Naomi Sylan Griffiths

Mission: Onboarding & Departure
Location: Deck 1, Ready Room
Timeline: The day before departure


Cyrin paused outside the door to the Ready Room and checked himself over for what must've been the dozenth time in the last hour as he prepared for meeting his new commanding officers. Knowing there was little he could do about his record - a few citations at the Academy for playing loose with the rules, and there were at least four incidents he could think of off the top of his head that his last XO definitely would have put on his file - he'd done his best to take care of what he could control.

No Academy drill instructor would find fault with the Trill's appearance today. His boots were polished to a mirror shine, slacks were pressed with a perfect crease, his uniform jacket was spotless, crisp, and sharp. His hair was freshly cut, nearly boot-camp short, and he'd even spent a few slips of latinum on the new sonic razor that had given him the close-shave he sported. Even the pips on Cyrin's collar, one solid gold the other a slim golden circle around shining black, seemed to glow.

Not for the first time the illogic of it all made him burst out with a quick laugh, mostly at himself. No amount of shoe polish was going to change the past. Somehow he'd gotten this chance and now all he had to do was prove that it wasn't a mistake to the two people behind the door. Before he could waste any more time, Xanth pressed the panel control's chime to announce himself and fought back the smile that still threatened to break through the serious face he tried for.

In the Ready Room Naomi paused on what she was saying to Kamar and looked up at the door, then to Kamar "could that be our new HCO?" she asked.

"I believe it is Major, there were a couple of flags on his service record, but let's meet him before we raise any concerns." Frank pressed the intercom and said "Enter." He watched the man enter, his uniform was in excellent condition, the man was inspection ready. Frank appreciated the extra attention to detail. "Welcome aboard Lieutenant, please free to grab a drink from the replicator and have a seat."

Before the Lieutenant could grab a drink or seat Naomi stood up fast and gracefully tugging her tunic down she was the only one in the room with a white band around her shoulders and the only Marine in the room and she was also impressed by his smart appearance. "hold one moment Lieutenant" she said as she walked around him inspecting him as she would her own Marines hands at parade rest behind her back.

*appreciation noises* she circled a few times so she could scrutinize all of the Lieutenant, after her inspection and seeming satisfied stepped back.

"Impressive Lieutenant Xanth, I wish my Marines paid the same amount of attention to their dress, what I see impresses me and tells me lots about someone do not worry I will keep them to myself, my thoughts still..." she paused "okay go get your drink and have a seat" Griffiths said.

The Trill had certainly not expected such a greeting and had stood stiff as a post as the Major eyeballed him. It was a relief when it seemed like he met with both their approval and just like that a smile was back on his lips, "Thank you, Captain. Major. Can I get either of you anything?" He moved quickly to the replicator, called for a cup of coffee he had no intention of drinking the way his nerves were at the moment and glanced over his shoulder to see if they took him up on the offer. His movements were a bit quick and jerky, almost like a bird's, the kind that showed a lot of held-back energy waiting just beneath the surface.

Looking up at the Lieutenant, "no thanks, I still have one" she said pointing to her mug on the table as she sat back down and crossed her legs.

"I'm working on a Chai Tea at the moment, thank you though," Frank responded politely.

Once he had his drink together, Cyrin walked back to the desk and took his seat. His mug remained firmly in his hands, something to hold on to keep them from shaking with excitement. Okay, maybe all the effort on his appearance had been worth something. Now he just had to keep from making either of them angry and he should be alright! "I'd like to say, sirs, thank you for accepting my transfer application to this ship. I'm looking forward to serving under both of you. Is that right? 'Sirs'?"

*studies Xanth with intensity* "you are welcome Lieutenant, and yes I know it may seem strange having a Marine as a First Officer, but considering the status of this ship, even with its upgrades we are going into the DQ Starfleet felt that a Veteran ground commander would help *sighs* also this is my first time as First Officer, I hope we are not going to see repeats of what has passed before!?" She said then looked at Kamar "Captain?" She said.

"I agree with the Major. We have both reviewed your service record, and though you have had your run-ins, I believe everyone deserves a chance. Where we are going Lieutenant we have no time for fooling around. The Delta Quadrant is a dangerous place, and Starfleet barely has a foothold in the area. Which is why the Major is on board with us. While you have had some incidents prior to reporting to the Penn, I do trust Starfleet's judgement in sending you aboard. I will expect a work ethic that matches the attention to detail you have paid to your uniform."

"If you do not I will run you ragged on the holodeck when the marines do their full kit exercise," Griffiths said in a deadpan tone, which made most sentient beings wonder if she was teasing or not.

Perhaps to his credit, Cyrin was able to keep his expression neutral as they brought up past events. He breathed steadily as they spoke, and forced himself to listen to them. The young man's emotions were quite plain to read though, he was frustrated. Then, when it was his turn to speak, he said very carefully, "I understand, and I am going to give you my very best every day, Captain." It was hard though, and probably easy enough for the two more experienced officers to pick up on it. Cyrin knew he'd gotten in trouble, but he didn't quite believe that he had been at fault. At least not mostly.

"And I am really happy to be here, to have this chance," that much he really felt though. Things had gotten difficult on the Berlin, and this was a promotion after all, a step up in both rank and responsibility. To that end Cyrin jumped into his ideas stepping into the department head job, "A chance to work alongside the Marines will be great, honest, Major. Maybe we could work out some joint exercises for the whole department? I'd like to figure out a way for our team of pilots to get some cross-training with other departments. I've a couple of ideas actually..." Cyrin pulled a PADD from his pocket and offered it to the Major, his first attempt at writing up a duty roster for Flight Control, complete with helm rotations, shuttle maintenance, and on-going flight training as might be expected, but also trying to squeeze probably too many other things into too few hours: having some pilots get certified in first aid, scientific sample gathering, security procedures, and more.

Taking the Padd "and looking at it, should we get us a MCO then you can take it up with them, but until then, I will find a slot to fit you in so we can talk about this, as I want security to join the marines one some exercises. Unlike an Akira class where both Marines and Security operate separately, this class of ship does not afford that luxury so for now the marines come under the Chief of Security *looks at Kamar* unless Captain we now have a MCO on the ship?!" she said

"Correct Major, at this time there is no Marine CO, we may be assigned one in the future. The marine group onboard is rather small and I believe it isn't much of a stretch for them to work hand in hand with your Security Department. As far as flight training goes I will leave that up to you and Lieutenant Sky to work out the details there. I would like to see more cross-training, I think it is healthy to allow the crew to train in other areas as long as they have the knowledge and training to complete their primary jobs," Frank responded.

This had turned out far better than Cyrin had expected, and he let his surprise show, "Well, that's great then! I'll look forward to any suggestions you might have, Major, to my ideas." That they were even considering his ideas was the final proof: this wasn't some fluke, a mix-up of paperwork, nothing like that. They wanted him here, and for the years ahead on their mission. "And Captain, I-" Cyrin hesitated just a moment, as if debating with himself, then rushed on, "Thank you again, sir. For everything. I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you never regret taking me on."

Frank nodded as the man finished speaking, "Understood Lieutenant Xanth, now moving on, We will be leaving in the morning for the Graviton Catapult, we will arrive in the Iota System three days later. You have less than 24 hours to get your departmental inspection completed. I advise you to use the next few hours to familiarize yourself with your department personnel. I expect you to be ready to provide an accurate assessment of your department in the morning, for the departure logs. If you have any questions please feel free to contact myself or the Major. Do you have any questions Lieutenant?" Frank asked the Lieutenant.

"No sir!" Taking over a whole department, meet the entire team of pilots, specialists, and enlisted personnel that staffed it, well over a dozen support craft of over half a dozen classes to inspect, inventory the supplies and backups that couldn't be manufactured where they were going, all in less than a day and that was just to start. This was going to take more than the usual amount of coffee, and realizing that Cyrin chugged back the mug he'd left untouched so far. Lots of coffee, plenty of delegation, and no time to waste. It sounded nearly impossible, and made him grin.

The pilot bounced to his feet, snapped his shiny boot heels together with a commendable crack, "We'll be ready! Permission to get to work, Captain?"

Frank smiled at the young Lieutenant's eagerness to get to work, "Don't forget Lieutenant, that you do have an assistant who has been handling the reports in preparation for your arrival. I suggest you work together, I don't need you to be overworked and tired at your station tomorrow, Sir and Yarinna would be more than happy to assist you."

"Understood, sir," Cyrin nodded, wondering about this assistant. With the sudden transfer to the Pennsylvania he'd had little time to review any roster so far. He'd definitely be leaning on her a lot at the start as they settled in. He turned to Naomi and asked, "And anything I need to get done for you, Major?" By the way he smile slipped slightly, it was plain that the marine XO intimidated him far more than the Captain, and given his history it made some sense.

Looking at him and sitting back and crossing her legs and visibly relaxing, she was sensing unease from the Lieutenant towards her oO do I intimidate him? Oo she thought to herself "no thank you Lieutenant I am good for now, I think you will need to get your department organised and to how you like it set up, then perhaps we can speak on your question" Griffiths said with a smile.

"Gotcha." The grin widened for a moment, and he started to come up with a plan on how to beat the clock. First, meet the people, and get them working right away. Cyrin stood there for a moment, wondering if he should just get out of there, but leaned towards caution and waited to be dismissed. Such good behavior! They'd all see how long it'd last.

Frank stood at his desk and spoke to the young man,”Lieutenant if you have no further questions you are dismissed.” The young Lieutenant had made quite an impression, though he had some trouble in the past it seemed that he chose to rise above it and not let it define him. Sizing up the man Frank realized this was the man that would steer his ship through the catapult and Delta. Could he be trusted? He thought to himself, yes I believe he can. For once Starfleet set an officer worth his salt.

Less sure of himself than the Captain perhaps, Cyrin still felt pretty good as he marched out and got to work.


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