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Reading between the lines

Posted on Sun Nov 1st, 2020 @ 12:45am by Ensign Wulfgar Duergar

Mission: Survival of the fittest
Location: Brig -

Jane had finished the restoration of her office. It looked as back to normal as it could get. Minus Plort and her knowledge of the posters ripped up and tucked into her bedroom to be hopefully reassembled at a later day and then restored to their rightful places. 'Much like yourself.' she mused. So much had happend in such a small space of time. She wondered if shed be permited to go see Wulfgar and thenif she felt brave enough confront Kyle. She couldnt let him get away with this. She was going to need to talk to the Captain but she needed confirmation first that she was right in her assumptions. She went in and cleaned up putting on a fresh uniform and combing her hair back and up into its cutomary bun If not for the dark purple and blue that dominated the right side of her face shed have looked almost normal. 'Wulfgar is probably so upset and scared.' she thought and thats was the thought she needed to motivate her to make her way through the door and down to security.

It took some sweet talking and Jane was sure the only reason she was permitted to see him was because the COS had already talked to him and got his side of things. She had been afraid shed have to pull her trump card as the acting chief Conselor. Thankfully she didnt. They seemed to understand and made the process as simple as possable. She signed into the visitors log and was then taken to see him.

He was asleep or looked to be asleep when she walked into the holding area. An officer stood at the controls at one end of the room and the cells where set up as alcoves along the other wall. There where three in here. Only one was occupied at the moment and that was Wulgars to the far right. She listened as the security officer gave her the saftey run down and agreed to the terms before finally approching his cell. She stayed two feet back as directed.

"Hey there Wolfy. Are you alright? Your not hurt are you?" Jane asked softly not wanting her voice to carry to much. Not for privancy but more because her head was still aching and it was just easier to handle.

Wulfgar rolled over and sat up. He hadn't been asleep but just laying there thinking with his back to the force field blocked opening. "Jane?" He asked, not believing his eyes. He got up quickly and crossed the cell in two large steps. His mind was reeling at the sight of the large bruise on her face. He could feel the heat of anger starting in his chest at the sight of her injuries. "I'm fine, but are you alright?!" He asked. He wanted to reach out and touch that bruise gently, to be able to just wipe it clean from her beautiful face. His hands twitched, torn by the urge to find that guy and make sure he would never hurt anyone again and to hold her in his arms protectively. All he could do though was stand there and look at her, mere feet away.

She could feel his eyes on her bruises, The doctor had fixed her up as best as he could. Her wrist didn't even hurt anymore. He had been able to fix it up too. It was wrapped in a support for now and in a few days shed be just fine again. "I will be fine. The good doctor took very good care of me. Do you need anything?" She asked him. "I just want you to know I am going to take care of this okay. You shouldn't be in trouble because of me."

Wulfgar let out a sigh of relief at the news that Jane was alright. "You need not do that. I should have called Security the second I seen the room when I did. Instead I tried to find who did it. Then when he hit you, I should not have attacked him like I did. Any trouble I'm in isn't your fault but mine because of my actions. You don't need to worry about me. Okay?" He started to raise a hand to reach for her but he remembered that he was in a cell and let it drop back to his side. "I must take responsibility for my actions and the truth will reveal itself in the end." He said with a smile. The sight of her made him want to smile but his current location stole it away so he had to force the smile. He needed to be strong and show her that he would take whatever came with a grain of salt.

"Thats very noble of you. Very good even. Your my friend though and I want to help you if I can. Its what friends do. They are there for eachother. You protected me. You didn't have to do that. I would be a terrible friend if I didnt try to protect you in return." Jane said the pain brought on by that fake smile was worse then a million smacks to the head. It cut through her and left her heart bleeding. "I wish I could explain it all. If..." She joked back a sob. "I have to find a way to keep you here. To make sure you are safe. The Captain he is a very fair man, a very good man. If I explain things he might allow you to stay on the ship even if you do get dismissed." She looked to the guards near by and then back to Wulfgar. "I just need to keep you here so I know you are safe.. I'm.. afraid. that if you leave here I will never see you again." 'at least not alive' her mind finished for her.

The smile turned real. "I protected you because I've realized that I have feelings for you, more than just friends. I want to be there to always protect you." Wulfgar said. He glanced at the shield emitters then back to Jane. "If I was dismissed from duty, I would request to remain on board in a civilian position. I think I love you."

Jane opened her mouth to say something then closed it quickly. Then again a few times looking as she imagined like a suffocating fish. "You.. we barely know each other.." Understatement. "You .. I mean that is I..." She shut up her face had flushed pink and she shuffled from foot to foot. "Are you sure? that is a very bold claim." she finally managed to ask him after her mind jumped back onto its rails. "What makes you think that? Please explain it to me. I need to understand."

Wulfgar rubbed the back of his neck and head as he thought hard. He had always had a hard time explaining his emotions but he had to try. "Well..... I find myself when I'm not working, and occasionally when I am, thinking of you ever since you kissed my on the holodeck." He took a deep breath. "I feel happier when I'm around you and feel like something is missing when your not near. And now since the attack, I want to stay be your side to keep you safe. If something were to happen to you, I wouldn't know what to do." He looked her in the eyes, those brown eyes that always looked like melted chocolate.

'Those are all traits of friendship too you know." She needed to talk him out of this with out breaking his heart. She cared so deeply but she couldn't afford to let anyone get that close to her. It had been so reckless of her to have kissed him like she had done. It had ruined what had been a beautiful moment and now she had put him in very real danger. She was a terrible friend. He had saved her life. She would endeavor to do the same.

"Please listen to me. Because people tend to miss what's being said between the lines. Which is often where the truth hides. We are friends. Best friends even. We cant ever be more then that. There are people who would be very upset if I were to form romantic attachments. I know that sounds like a very bad line. But please trust in our friendship enough to believe me when I tell you that if it was up to me, if the situation were different. I would harbor no reservations in letting you prove to me the merit of your words. But things are not different. It would be irresponsible for me to let you to think that perusing me would lead to anything good. In fact it would not be a healthy choice for you or those you love back home." There properly warned. Her father would be so damn proud. She hated herself for it though. Still she refused to look away she held his gaze trying to get him to understand.

Wulfgar's hand that had been partially raised almost pleasingly dropped to his side, his chin dropped a fraction of an inch. He looked past her for a moment with a single "Oh." He turned and walked over to the fold out bunk and sat down. He looked up at her, his face almost resigned. "If you feel that way I won't press the matter but I will try to win you over. If you would tell me what's going on, maybe I could help. I get the feeling that your in danger and as I said, I want to protect you." He said, his voice gravely serious.

She had tried its all she could do. The change in his demenor was expected. He didnt understand. But she couldnt risk being any more blunt. "Your free to do as you please. Was there anything you needed while your here?' she made herself say.

"No." Wulfgar said with a resigned sigh. "They wouldn't allow me a PADD so I could keep up on the repairs. So I don't need anything at this time." He lowered his eyes. He didn't want her to see the tears barely held back there.

Jane made herself turn and leave. She had some messages to send. she was so angry and disappointed in herself. never again would she make such mistakes again. It had cost her her friend. she could see it in his eyes before he had averted them from hers. Maybe it was better this way. If he grew to hate her he would be safer right? So be it.

Wulfgar looked up as she walked away without even a good bye. He watched her walk out the best he could from where he sat, the tears now falling down his cheeks to disappear into the now 2 day old beard. He laid back down and rolled to face the wall to await his fate. After some time laying there he dropped off to sleep.


Ensign Wulfgar Duergar
Engineering Officer


Ensign J. Doe


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