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All These Hu-mans

Posted on Wed Aug 28th, 2019 @ 5:06pm by
Edited on on Wed Aug 28th, 2019 @ 5:07pm

Mission: Onboarding & Departure
Location: Mess Hall
Timeline: Episode 001 Day 004

As soon as the ship redocked with the station, Frel went onboard. "Computer, where is the captain?"

=/\= Commander Kamar is in Ten-Forward. =/\=

With that he briskly headed that way.

Captain Kamar, stood in the room and was chatting with an Ensign from engineering when they were interrupted.

Entering Ten Forwards, Frel looked around and spotted the man he assumed was the Captain. He walked up. "Captain, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Frel the Ambassador from the Ferengi Alliance. I would like to go over some things with you."

Ensign Wells who was a foot taller than the captain chuckled slightly and pointed to Frank, "That's the man you're looking for."

Frel turned his head and looked. Realizing he made a mistake, he turned and walked up to the actual Captain. "Captain, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Frel the Ambassador from the Ferengi Alliance. I would like to go over some things with you."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Frel, I am sure we have some things to discuss. Let's take a seat and we can discuss what's on your mind," Frank led the Ferengi to a table near the window where they could see the Starbase and the buzz of activity. "So what can I do for you Ambassador?"

"Well, as you know, I have been assigned to your ship as a spokesperson for the Grand Negus into the Delta Quadrant." He started to pull data pads out of his satchel. "After what happened with that minor incident where Arridor and Kol became the great sages to an underdeveloped planet. The Grand Negus wants me to bring forth a more positive view of the Ferengi people." He starts looking from one pad to another, clearly looking for something.

"That is understandable, Frel, I can see where he want to change the opinions of the Ferengi, but why send an Ambassador and not a Ferengi ship?" Frank asked curiously

"That is a good question captain." Frel said in a slightly sarcastic tone. "You see, it's two fold. First, we understand how we Ferengi can come off as...intimidating and downright scary to other races."

Frank rubbed his beard as he listened to the Ambassador, This sounded more like a hungry salesman looking for a customer. He knew he shouldn't be surprised considering the man was Ferengi, but Starfleet had to have a reason for allowing him onboard.

"Two, sending me with a federation ship that is already heading into that area. Well, that is very cost effective. Why spend the money on a whole ship, with supplies and a crew, when you are going there anyways, and the great Federation, in all there grandeur, don't usually trade in currency. It's virtually a free ride." This statement is just dripping with sarcasm.

He stopped looking for a monent and looked at the Captain, then got a bit more serious. "That and the Grand Negus has a soft spot for the Federation and you Hu-mans since his only child and male heir decided to join Starfleet. Not to mention he contributes the meeting of his female to working with the Fereration."

He then continued to look through his pads and even started to almost frantically dig through his satchel.

"So what kind of negotiation experience do you have, that doesn't include trade, sales, or profit?" Frank asked curiously.

"Oh Captain," The Ferengi said in an exacerbated tone. "All negotiation involves some sort of trade, sale, or profit. Even the great Federation negotiates for some gain. The 16th Rule of Acquisition, 'A Deal is a Deal'. What kind of Ambassador or negotiator would I be if I wasn't in it for some sort of gain?"

“I understand that sir, but when was the last time your negotiations involved life or death situations?” Frank asked remembering a time a minor offense on a planet that resulted in the accused being charged with execution.

"Well, there was one time when I made a deal with my uncle. He decided to call in the loan early. I spent three days negotiating with him to delay the call some to give me more time. I mean, that was a tense three days."

Frank rubbed his bearded chin, he was concerned with the thought that this Ferengi could possibly represent Starfleet interests. "Ambassador, based on what you've told me so far, you're basically here for Ferengi interests to make sure you represent your people in the best light for future trade agreements and profiteering, Correct?"

"Captain, our people have an agreement. You take me into the Delta Quadrant, and in return, I will do my best to work with your people to represent the Federation to the best of my ability. And in return, I am also allowed to make deals for Ferenginar. I assure you, I am well trained in my duties as an ambassador. I even, reluctantly, did some training in your style of diplomacy." He frowned. "Which I must say is not at all efficient and in no way profitable. But I agreed, I will do everything I can to keep your interests in mind."

"I understand we have a deal," Frank replied, "I'm not trying to be difficult, I'm just trying to better understand your skill set and position Ambassador. I've worked with Ambassadors before but never had one permanently assigned to a ship before. I just want to make sure that ultimately our goals are aligned sir."

"Rest assured Captain." Frel said while still continuing to search his stuff. "I have been instructed to treat you like my DaiMon, and with the Nagus in charge, we have also been learning to accept, and even listen to females. I, for one, and very open to the idea." He finally found what he was looking for, pulled out a data pad, and handed it to the captain." AH, here it is. The most important thing I have. I can not believe I almost lost it. Here are the program files for some authentic Ferengi cuisine. Your replicators usually are not the best at replicating the true taste of our food, but a friend of mine is very smart, and has made it his lifes work to..Fine tune the machines to get them as close to perfect."

He gave a big smile. "Captain, if you can see to it that these get uploaded into the system, I will do whatever it is you ask of me."

"Understood Ambassador, I will make sure this is taken care of," Frank said as he took the Padd. "I look forward to working with you to advance our mutual goals. Do you have any more questions or concerns for me sir?"

Frel smiled at the ease of compliance from the Captain. "No Captain, I have no questions. I am just looking forward to getting out there and finding some new profit...And to open communications for you as well. Have a wonderful day Captain, I'm sure we shall talk again soon."

Before Frank had a chance to respond, Frel stood up and briskly walked out of the room.

Frank mumbled under his breath and stormed out to return to his quarters. How dare the Ambassador walk away from him without being dismissed, "Stupid civvies" he grumbled as he walked through the passageway. He set the Padd on his desk to give to Arianna later. but catering to this Ferengi was not on his priority list.


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