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Important questions

Posted on Mon Jun 29th, 2020 @ 10:25pm by Lieutenant Shri'Rao Sh'veqan & Lieutenant Commander James Trallos MD

Mission: Shore Leave
Location: Beach - Planet side

James sat at the Tiki bar. He had been there a little while, but he had not been on a tropical paradise so he was taking it up as long as he could before he would have to head back to the ship. He finished off a glass and was about to order another when he saw their security chief.

"How are things Lieutenant Sh'vequan?"

"Interesting I have been cataloging several different lifeforms, that could be a problem for us or a source of food, how about you"? Shri'Rao asked.

"I like the food idea. I'm enjoying the no problem part. Hopefully nothing serious. Also, water turned out to be a fantastic temperature." He paused a moment. "What sort of problem?" Offering her a seat.

"Some of the animals are predatory. I'm wondering if they can be trained or domesticated, Some are quite large." Shri'Rao said.

"Hmm, beasts of burden once domesticated?" James asked, offering a bar stool.

"Exactly and if they are intelligent perhaps they can be trained for other functions like mounts or guard dogs." Shri'Rao stated.

"That's a pretty good idea. Colonists will need to be defended while they are getting this planet established, would save on some resources if we can get the local wildlife to work with us. Good idea Lieutenant." He replied. It was a brilliant idea actually.

"So what are you drinking? Looks interesting....Shri'Rao asked.

The doctor slid the drink over offering her a sample. "It's called a Mai Tai. Contains orange and pineapple juice, orange liquor, a shot of light and dark rum and the most important ingredient, a little cocktail umbrella." He said opening and closing the little wooden umbrella.

Shri'Rao sipped the drink and liked it.

"Got the fixens for more doctor?" She asked.

The doctor smiled. "As a matter of fact, yes. And I even have an extra umbrella." He said and slid behind the bar. He mixed up the drink, opened the umbrella and placed it in the drink with a wedge of pineapple. After she took a drink he asked, "What do you think?"

"Interesting and very fruity, so tell me what questions did you have for me?" She asked.

"Hhmm?" He asked, more to himself as he tried to remember. "Oh yes. Observation mostly along with curiosity. I never really understood how your species grew up on an ice planet, but can come to a tropical place like this, wander around and not get sunburned. While I was born on Mars, my family is from Earth and if I don't put on copious amounts of sunblock my skin will turn bright red. Have your people always been native to Andora?"

"That is actually a simple question to answer. First yes as far as I know my species are indigenous to Andor. Secondly the reason we don't sunburn easily is the cobalt in our blood actually reflects ultra-violet radiation from the sun. The only ones I know of that are susceptible to UV radiation are the Aenar who lacks the pigmentation in there skin. I do have to say that this environment is very warm and humid though. We also have the ability to detect changes in the magnetic or gravitational field but that is natural for us as my home world is geologically unstable." Shri'Rao said.

She took another drink of the Doctors fruity concoction.

"Tell me of your home world Doctor?" Shri'Rao asked.

"Well, my family is from Earth, I was born and raised on Mars. Right now the atmosphere is still burning so I'd say it looks like the tiki torch. Before the attack however, it was pretty nice. Still red and light gravity, about 1/3rd if what this planet is if you left the cities and went onto the surface. Olympic Mons was amazing though. Stretched almost two dozen kilometers into the sky. It felt like if you climbed it and jumped you could reach orbit." The doctor sighed. "My family though lives on Earth, the eastern portion of the North American Continent and lived in the Appalachian mountains. Mountain folk they were called. Beautiful forests, their own culture and could almost say their own language." He said with a smile.

"The atmosphere of Mars is on fire? I didn't know that. was it a natural disaster or a result of the war?" Shri'Rao asked.

"The war. About the time Romulus went nova. My parents were on Earth visiting family when it happened thankfully." James answered. "What about your home and family?"

"I am from the veqan clan of Andoria really more of a small coastal community. My entire clan was destroyed by the Jem'Hadar as a gesture of their will and determination and intentions.My only home now is in fact the Penn." Shri'Rao said.

"I'm sorry to hear that. The Penn is a good home though. The time I've been on her so have has been nice. She makes a good home." The doctor said and raised his glass. "Welcome to the clan."

"Shri'Rao raised her glass and said I have been made to fel verywelcome Doctor, and since I no longer have a home I have made the penn my home". Shri'Rao added.

"Anything I can do to make you feel more at home?" He asked sincerely.

"Yes be my friend", Shri'Rao suggested.

The doctor nodded. "You've got it. And you know where my office is. Don't need to be injured to come see me." He thought for a moment. "Have you ever had Chicken fried Chicken?"

"I'm not familiar with it, No. Is it a Human delicacy?" Shri'Rao asked.

"It is, at least to my family and ancestors. Just good 'ol Southern cookin." The doctor answered. "I've got a family recipe programmed and it's good. After shore leave is all settled and we're back to the same old, why don't we meet at the lounge. I'll buy you a drink and you can try the chicken fried steak."

"I would be delighted", Shri'Rao said smiling her antennae pointing straight at you.

"Southern cooking must be something special." Shri'Rao added.

"It absolutely is. Although, in respect to full disclosure, that is my family history so I'm a bit partial. It's also called comfort food. It's not good for you but it tastes good and makes you feel better. I think you'll like it, but that's for after this." He said gesturing with his hand holding the drink to the tropical paradise they were in. "How often to you get to have this beautiful of a planet to yourself?"

"Not often, I have to admit" She said.

"It's kinda nice. I'm sure Risa is great, but with the exception of these little Tiki bar area, the whole planet is unspoiled and natural. I think it's the quiet here I like the most. Conversation without having to talk over a crowd or drone if engines."

"You must be a naturalist. This planet does have its dangers, and I'm not entirely certain that its natural. This could be a created planet. The core is solid yet there is plenty of geothermal energy available. Also the planet has a strong magnetic field, yet a solid core non spinning core." Shri-Rao stated.

The Andorian too another sip of the exotic concoction Dr Trallos made for her.

"I think this planet was hand made for us to include plenty of edible flora and fauna." The blue woman said handing you back her glass for a refill.

The doctor began refilling the drink as if he was a bartender by trade. "Yeah, that whole solid core stopped core is a surprise. I'm not sure how you can have a magnetic field like this without a liquid core. Maybe inside the core somewhere is a liquid heavy metal center spinning." He said as he passed the drink over. "You have a point though, almost like this was a crafted planet and a little danger keeps the planet interesting."

"Possibly but more likely there is some sort of power plant down there built into the core that is generating massive amounts of power on a planetary scale." Shri'Rao said.

"That makes sense as well. I thought I saw this planet was a little too far back in orbit of the sun to let the oceans get this warm. Could be venting excess heat into the oceans and using it as a giant coolant pool. Thinking of, have you been in yet?" He asked.

"I have not been in yet. Are you interested in going in. I mean the water is purple here." Shri'Rao said.

"As a disclaimer Shri'Rao, this next statement about a purple ocean is coming from your friend, not your doctor. So the water is purple, what's the worst that could happen?" He asked with a laugh and filled her drink back up. "One for the water."

"It's drinkable so I think its safe to swim in." Shri'Rao said.

He pushed a drink over. "Then let's head in. We should enjoy it while we can."

Shri'Rao takes him up on it strips out of her uniform and jumps in.



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