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Mission Discovery Welcome

Posted on Tue Feb 4th, 2020 @ 9:48am by Lieutenant Commander Arianna Sky Kamar & Major Naomi Sylan Griffiths & Lieutenant Shri'Rao Sh'veqan & Lieutenant Commander James Trallos MD & Lieutenant JG Sinn Rintan & Chief Petty Officer "Chief" Alpha I CSH

Mission: Discovery
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: Jan 2, 2394 0800


Frank called his weekly Department Head notoriously early as was his habit. His wife of two months was still in their quarters when he had dressed. His morning began at 0600 with a meeting with the Commander of Iota Station and an Admiral from Starfleet civilian affairs. There had been a change to their mission and he planned on notifying his department heads before announcing it to the crew later that morning. He sipped his coffee and pulled up a hologram of known areas in their Quadrant and began to highlight some of the closer unexplored areas. He walked around the holographically projected map, drinking his coffee and chewing an unlit cigar as the senior staff began to arrive.

Sinn had been up early going over ops reports from the previous day. They had not had much happen in the last few days in the area and things were pretty quiet. He made his way to the lounge and stepped through and saw the Commander standing around a holo-projection of space. "Morning Sir."

“Good Morning Lieutenant Rintan, I know this is your first Department Head meeting but we are a little information with these. Feel free to replicate a drink or a snack before we begin, the Captain replied.

"Thank you, Sir." He said as he went over and had the replicator make a cup of Rokassa juice. As he took his first sip the door slid open.

Next in was Naomi, Padd and drink in hand, her long blonde hair neatly tied back showing her Bajoran ridges and earring on her left ear, "good morning Captain, Good Morning Lieutenant.. ?" She said holding out her hand to the officer she had yet to meet.

Her beauty proceeded her. Sinn watched as the Major walked in. He had heard the XO was part Bajoran which gave him pause but hoped for the best. "Greetings, Major. I am Sinn Rintan with Starfleet Intelligence. He introduced himself as he took the offered hand with a firm handshake.

*smiling* "Major Naomi Griffiths ships First Officer, pleased to meet you, Lieutenant," she said as she took a seat.

Captain Kamar watched as the new officers mingled with the current crew, it pleased him to see them forging bonds. They would need to build trust now because their lives would depend on each other in the future. While thinking these thoughts, he took his cup of chai tea and stared at the map.

Kerri entered the observation lounge with her hands behind her back and a PADD held between her fingers. She was waving it up and down as she walked along and eventually the Betazoid found an empty seat and sat down. Kerri placed the PADD meant for her notes onto the table, and somewhat nervously, leaned back in her chair without saying a word to anyone.

Seeing a new officer arrive "hello Lieutenant" Griffiths said.

Kerri was distracted until she heard the Major speaking, "Hello sir," She said and weakly smiled before she waved her hand before lowering it. This was going to take her time to get used to anyway, "Good morning," She said quietly.

"So what is your name and what is your position on this ship please?" Griffiths asked.

"Lieutenant Kerri Deix, Chief Science Officer," She said somewhat confused by the question. Had the Executive Officer not read the crew roster? She questioned in her head. She had only just reported aboard so that was probably the reasoning behind the question. She had also never met an Executive Officer holding a marine rank, but the Betazoid officer didn't question that part.

*smiling* "pleased to meet you, Lieutenant, have you any questions as you seemed a little surprised that a Marine is XO! I am very observant" Griffiths said.

"No questions, just a little surprised is all," Kerri responded with her brow furrowed.

James arrived just before 0600. He walked in with his large coffee, PADD and lab coat. He got called into Sickbay at 0500 for a broken nose that one of the crewmen received training in the gym. It was a quick fix but he took the extra hour to get some initial departure paperwork done. "Lieutenants, Major, Captain." He said with a nod and sat next to Lieutenant Deix so he could look out the observation windows during the meeting.

"I'm not sure I've met either of you yet. James Trallos, Chief Medical Officer." He said reaching out his hand to Kerri and Sinn.

Sinn took the hand that was offered. "Sinn Rintan I am new Intel Chief."

"Oh right, I saw your file come through but couldn't remember which position you were taking over. Welcome aboard."

*looks up at Trallos* "Good morning doctor Trallos, how are you this morning?" Griffiths asked.

"Good morning Major, how are things?" James replied sitting back down.

"I am very well thank you, Doctor, you?" she asked taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm good, thanks. Glad to be getting underway." The doctor said with a smile. He was indeed ready to get on with whatever their mission would be.

Arianna waltzed in just as it hit 0600. "Good morning all," she said taking her customary seat.

Barely aboard, Gibbs was ready for the meeting. Easy to do since he'd only had time to dump his gear and head for the Bridge. Tall and lean, his brown hair, reflecting shades of wine red under the bridge lights, was cut to just within regulations, longer on the top than the sides. Not shaggy but not sheared either. His brown eyes, snapping with good humour, took in his surroundings as he entered the Observation Lounge. His gaze took in those assembled as he said, "Lieutenant Gibbs reporting for duty and, as it turns out, for this meeting."

*Looks up at the young Marine* "Welcome to the Penn El-tee, I am MaJor Griffiths ships First Officer and happy to see we have an MCO" Griffiths said introducing herself.

"Thank you, Ma'am," Gibbs said. "Much better to be here than to be travelling here, that's for sure." With the unerring eye of every marine he'd known to this point, he located the coffee sourced and made his way over, returning in a short while, coffee in hand. Just coffee. He'd never been one to add anything to it. Why mess with perfection?

"So El-Tee, are you looking forward to commanding the Marines on the Penn?" Griffiths asked the MCO.

"Yes, Ma'am," Gibbs said and then added, a decided twinkle in his eye, "course, at this point, I'm just looking forward to actually meeting them."

Arianna was busy in her PADD working on the daily duty roster. Someone called in sick messing up her previous assignments. "Fek'lar, this will not do at all", she said loud enough for the captain to hear her. Shaking her head she reworked the roster again and lost her thought as a chill ran up her spine. Shaking it off she went back to her work trying to forget the chill, which usually means something is amiss.

Chief received the meeting notification the instant it got sent out, one of the many perks of being linked into the main computer, however, he got a little tied up in reading all of the crew reports from the past few weeks and as a result, was running behind for a few seconds. While he was sure that he was still going to be on time, after all the meeting wasn't due to start for another few minutes, he always preferred to be as punctual as possible.

Generating an avatar of himself just outside of the Observation Lounge, complete with a steaming cup of coffee and a Padd, Cheif walked into the meeting area and took note of everyone already assembled "Good morning all, forgive my lateness, I got a little caught up in some light reading" he said with a sheepish grin. After making his quick apology, Chief quickly grabbed the nearest seat, he placed down the drink and Padd on the table surface.

"If everyone is here, we will begin," Frank said to signal the start of the meeting.


Captain Frank Kamar
Commanding Officer

Major NS Griffiths
First Officer

LT JG James Trallos M.D.
Chief Medical Officer

LT JG Sinn Rintan
Chief Intelligence Officer


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