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Posted on Fri Dec 18th, 2020 @ 9:34am by Major Naomi Sylan Griffiths & Lieutenant Commander Arianna Sky Kamar

Mission: Survival of the fittest
Location: Ready Room

Frank nodded to his wife at the engineer's console, "You said you had an idea for me, let's go discuss it in the Ready Room." He turned over the conn to his 2XO before leaving with Major Griffiths and Commander Sky-Kamar.

Arianna was not sure how she was going to pitch her ideas but she wanted to keep within the Prime Directive. Walking with both Major Griffiths and the captain, she followed them into his ready room. She got herself a cup of tea and sat down waiting.

Being the last into the CRR Naomi cleared the door sensors and moved to one of the seats and sat down and looks at the Captain "okay so what do we do boss?" Griffiths asked.

"Let's hear what our engineer has to say. Arianna, what's your idea" Frank asked his wife.

"To stay within the Prime Directive, you remember the Duck Blind mission with Enterprise E. How they observed the Baku and wore suits that hid them behind a portable holo emitter? Well, I was thinking along those lines. Then it occurred to me that maybe we could do the same with a shuttle and go down undercover of the night to get the samples needed for medical and science. Both could be accomplished without breaking the Prime Directive. Then I had another idea that maybe with surgical alteration, we might infiltrate their population, but, dismissed it because we would be putting our crew dire try in harm's way," she said. Arianna had hoped that this might help get them what they needed before the PD would get stretched out.

"Interesting idea Arianna, What do you think Griffiths? Frank asked.

Griffiths gave what was said a long thought and decided to take it bit by bit, she looked at the Chief Engineer "I admit I am in the process of learning Security trade to give me some other skill besides what I do as a Marine as I feel like a spare wheel on the bridge, so when I ask the following questions, please bear in mind that what I ask and respond to is my view of things, just want to say that to make it clear that I will look at the facts as a seasoned ground commander" she paused and inhaled. "Okay first let me address the duck-blind idea, that would only work if the Pre-warp society has no radar of some kind, if they do then sending a shuttle down would be pointless, the duck-blind is a good idea but due to current supply issues, we do not have the resources to create one. I think we might be able to create those suits the Starfleet observers used to make themselves invisible to the populace, then again they only work if the populace does not have any form of electronic detection tools. So it is either surgical alterations and transporters down into the outskirts where the team cannot be seen, now what species are they on the planet and what is their tech level?" She ended with a question aimed at the Engineer.

"Based on the information available, they are a pre-warp civilization, so I would gather that they would be equivalent to the late 19th century or possibly early 20th-century earth. They could have transporter armbands that would be rewired to give off the same bio readings as the populace, and with surgical alterations, it just might work. A shuttle with the holo emitters can be modified as well to fool the electronics of the time period as well," Arianna said.

"It might work, but let's see what the doctor has to say, I don't want to transport whatever virus that was up here and gets the ship infected," Frank said tiredly.

"Ok dear, you're the boss. You need to sleep! I suggest you get a few hours soon" Arianna said smiling at her husband.

Naomi looked back and forth from each one and hid a smile "Are they humanoid or Pre-warp humans? As I would only need minor surgery to remove my Bajoran nose if they are a lost human colony ship survivors" she asked.

"It's possible, but we would have to get accurate bio readings to make it work. Maybe I can get the sensors to get a better reading" Arianna said looking at the Major.

"Make it so Chief," Griffiths said with a smile, if I am to take an away team down to the planet on recon I want to know everything I can as to avoid detection" she pauses as she ticked things off with her fingers "I need to know their language os the universal translators do their stuff, need to know their ethos where religion is concerned, what type of laws they have and if any of their food may be poisonous to us should need to eat or drink" she finished.

"On it Major," Arianna said, making notes on her mini PADD.

"Put your heads together and see what you can come up with, I only want to set foot on that planet as a last resort," Frank said.

"Yes Captain, it shall be done!" Griffiths said with a smile, when in fact she had no clue what to do next, but she would work on it, she had no choice.

Captain Kamar
Commanding Officer
USS Pennsylvania

Major NS Griffiths
First Officer
USS Pennsylvania

Lt. Cmdr. Arianna Sky-Kamar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Pennsylvania


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