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Follow-up visit

Posted on Mon Nov 30th, 2020 @ 9:47am by Lieutenant Commander James Trallos MD & Major Naomi Sylan Griffiths

Mission: Season Two - Incidentals
Location: XO's quarters
Timeline: 2 days before arrival at Iota Station


James strolled around the deck, medical bag in hand. He was rarely outside of sickbay without it nowadays. After wandering down the deck he reached his destination. He found the Majors quarters. He looked around. He was having a hard time determining if some of the wall plates were off because of damage or because engineering was trying to fix one of the many systems that were offline or operational but doing poorly. He shrugged and pressed the door chime.

Naomi was relaxing in her quarters reading a book she was dressed in slacks and a t-shirt when she jumped as her door buzzer sounded, grumbling to herself she put the book down and got up and walked to the door and opened it, her eyes opened in surprise "hello doctor what brings you here?" she asked pleasantly.

"Evening Major. I just wanted to swing by and check up on my patient and see how she's doing? I hope I'm not interrupting anything for you." He said with a smile.

"No, please come in Doctor," Griffiths said stepping back to allow the doctor to enter "I was just catching up on an old paperback novel, can I get you something to drink?" she offered.

James walked in and headed to the couch and table. He set his medical bag in the centre. "Maybe a couple of glasses. I brought you something." He said and opened his medical bag. He withdrew a bottle from the bag and set it on the table.

She looked at it "A little help if you will please doc, it has got no label" she said sitting down and picking up the bottle to study it.

"Hhmm?" The doctor questioned a moment and looked at the bottle. "Oh, well, if it comes out wine, that's the bottle of the summer wine. If not, then its a surprise." He laughed and set his bag down. "Most of my stash was destroyed in the battle. I salvaged what I could and thought you could do with a drink."

Smiling "thank you, doctor, would you care to join me for a drink?" she responded with a question "please have a seat" she added as she went to get some glasses.

"Thank you, Major, I'd be glad to." He moved his bag off the table and took a seat on her couch. "So how are you doing through all this?" He asked looking around.

"You mean stuck in the ass-end of nowhere, on a tin can that we have no spare parts for and are thus vulnerable to depressurizations should we be attacked?" She responded with a mix of grim humour and frustration as she got two glasses and after opening the bottle she poured the contents into the glasses and offered the doctor one.

James took the glass that was offered. "So, fair?" He said, unable to keep the grin from his face. "We were aware of the state of the ship and could add to that list of trouble they were facing, but what good would it do?" Instead, he would try to make the best of it.

"Well, give me good old terra firma any day, since being here I am beginning to see why the late great Leonard H McCoy always used to gripe about space travel. I have to admit doc, on a ship altered for science I feel out of place I was trained for the type of combat Fleet officers were not" she grumbled and lapsed into silence as she took a drink.

James took a drink and nodded. "He was my role model you know? I read every log I could an out him. One of those people you always want to meet but missed him by a generation." He looked over at Naomi. "You know Major, you may feel like a duck out of water here with us, but I have a feeling we will be glad you're our XO before long." He said taking a sip.

"Had the Kazon boarded us, we would have been in trouble. Security would do their best, but they would have looked to you for strategy and tactical guidance. Were now effectively on our own out here. As science people, I think we need to be purring down our probes for a while and pick up the phaser. What good is doing science or medicine if you're not around for anyone to read your work?" He asked nodding to her.

"Logical, ever thought about going into Counselling?" she asked "What you say however has merit we are out here alone in the DQ with few friends and now these latest events we will need those QRT, SAR and Hazard units more than ever now, still I think contacting the Talaxian's maybe a good way to find spare parts," she said taking another sip of her drink.

"Talaxian's might be a good idea, but getting hold of them in their sector might do the trick." The doctor looked at her. "What about the Dalacari? They gave us a planet and saved our bacon. Maybe they wouldn't mind helping us either acquire parts or get in touch with Talaxia."

"We could ask them this is true I will put that to the Captain, perhaps he can broker a mutual defence Pact of some sort or arrange for them to help out with Security on the Catapult, what do you think?" she asked.

He took another drink. "It is certainly worth the effort. Not a whole lot we can offer without the catapult functioning and our ship nearly operational, but they found us a planet with little effort, so it may be they just want allies out here." He looked at her. "I'd much rather see long-winded pomp and ceremony for talks then to go nose to nose with more Kazon, or Hirogen, or whatever race wanted to give us a go."

Nods in agreement "I just hope the Dalacari can help us out with things, it is, however, a shame that we are too far from Talaxian space for them to be of any assistance. I definitely do not want to go more rounds with Kazon or other hostiles until this ship is up to full strength, it is times like this I miss terra firma" she said and fell silent as she took a sip of her drink.

"Yeah, would be nice. Wouldn't mind lounging around on that planet again. Purple water or not, its terra firma and comfortable at least for a little while again." He laughed. "Of course I would probably be ready to fly off again inside a month. Despite the dangers and problems, I still enjoy the thrill of discovery. "

"My thrill at discovery evaporated when we encountered those Kazon ships, space combat is so different from ground combat, even when I was on Starbase 332 as its MCO I saw little combat and not much can threaten a Stardock class Starbase. I seriously need to find another trade on this ship to help alleviate the boredom" Griffiths said.

The doctor looked over. "Ever think of cross-training in medical? Never a shortage of injured, always something going on and you get your fill in space and on the ground."

She made a face, not fond on the sight of blood when it is not coming from an enemy, strange I know, but there you have it, I might look into Security or perhaps Intelligence, I will need to speak to the Captian on that idea and see what he says, tell me Doctor have you any idea what it feels like to be a spare wheel?!" she asked.

"Spare wheel?" The doctor smirked. "Yeah, I had that feeling every weekend at the Academy. I was famous for that in Medical school and it followed me into Academy social life. Far as professionally going, not so much a spare wheel but more of a unicycle. "

Naomi laughed at that "well, I think it is a little different as I am a Marine on a primarily Science mission orientated ship, I will have to learn an extra trade, perhaps Tactical like I said, it will go well with my like of shooting things" she said and gave a little giggle.

James smiled, "A girls got to have a hobby. I'll just make sure you don't have a reason to use me as target practice. Stun is still not pleasant. " He laughed and took a drink. "Of course, getting the QRS and SAR teams running and efficiently may be hobby enough. Feels like we will need them sooner rather than later."

"Well after our experience with the Kazon I have to agree, that was a close one," she said finishing her drink and looking at the time "as this is a follow-up visit, do you want to give me a once-over to see if I have any unknown injuries internally, then I think I will get me some sleep," she said, somehow she enjoyed talking to James, but the long duty shifts had finally caught up with her.

James reached into his pocket and pulled out his tricorder. "Thank you for asking. I always like when my patients volunteer," he said and began a scan starting at her head and continued down her torso. "I will ask that you sleep twice as much for me. I haven't been able to get any so I'm glad someone is."

Looks at him and with a smile "ever tried hitting yourself with a Mallett hard enough to render you unconscious?" she asked "or a less painful way take some sleep medication as a Doctor you would know how much to administer would you not?" She asked ending with a question but still had a smile on her face.

He smirked. "Sleep medication gives the mechanics of sleep well, and I use that as a last-ditch because it's hard to wake up in the middle of the night when I take them. I've got dream baggage." He said and looked at her. "I haven't tried the mallet idea yet. Sounds good, but I'd need help administering it. I'd hold back a little naturally so someone else would need to do the clubbing."

She looked at him incredulously with a raised eyebrow "you do know I was kidding about the Mallett? But I would be more than happy to do it for you, but I would need it in writing that you permit me as I do not want to face an assault charge!" She said suddenly deadpanned, she was herself joking, but still, a little fun never hurt anyone.

He smiled at her as he put his tricorder away. "Oh, I'm familiar with liability waivers. I'd sign off. The counsellor had recommended some aromatherapy and while it's helping to an extent, it still eludes me. It does give me time to learn a new hobby at least." He closed his med bag. "Few minor bumps and bruises but your fit as a fiddle Major."

Sighs in relief "of that I am happy to hear that doctor I was beginning to worry that there was more to my aches and pains than simple bruising" she suddenly changed topic "have you ever been at a posting where you have felt out of place?" She asked.

James nodded his head. "Pretty much any time I step out of sickbay. For example, when I go up to the bridge. I'm not in command so nobody needs my orders, everyone is fit and healthy so they don't need my help. The best I can do up there is stand out of the way and try to look pretty."

She found herself laughing a little at that "that is how I feel, I some times think that I should be on the bridge in an evening gown all dolled up and that would get me attention" she said teasingly. She found the Doctor to be a nice guy and approachable and easy on the eyes but a nugget on the bridge she may have been, but in other fields she was professional and her position dictated that she would have to be careful in starting any relationship.

"That would probably work. Since we don't have a counsellor at the moment, I know I'd be called up to do an evaluation. I would just go right along with it. Maybe say something like the only thing I see wrong is the shoes." He laughed and stood up. That was a very fun thought to think of. "Well Major, I do not want to keep you from your sleep. I've got around to make before I give it the 'ol college try myself."

Standing up "thank you for visiting me doctor and the drink," she said indicating the almost empty bottle "it was pleasant *she yawns* sorry little tired, I will see you around?" She asked.

"Of course. I was happy to share it with you. I'll be around and if you ever need me, you know where to find me." He offered with a smile and then made is way out of the Majors quarters.

With a final nod, she watched the doctor leave as the door closed she looked at the almost empty bottle and her sleeping chamber and decided to finish off the bottle before she went to bed.


Major NS Griffiths
First Officer

Lieutenant James Trallos MD
Chief Medical Officer


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