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Well Deserved Meeting

Posted on Fri May 29th, 2020 @ 2:50pm by Lieutenant Commander Arianna Sky Kamar & Major Naomi Sylan Griffiths & Lieutenant Commander Deannen Roinu & Lieutenant Shri'Rao Sh'veqan & Lieutenant Commander James Trallos MD & Lieutenant JG Zassia Sh'zyllit & Lieutenant JG Simon Hunter & Lieutenant Commander Yarinna "Fanthom" Hawkins

Mission: Discovery
Location: Observation Deck

Frank sent a message to all of his Department Heads earlier that morning, he called for a meeting of all of his Senior Staff Officers for 1800 that evening. He had been in touch with Starfleet Headquarters earlier in the day and had apprised them of their findings as well as their interaction with the Dalacari. He was glad to be sharing some good news with the crew. He entered the observation lounge and watched the bluish-green planet below as they traveled in its orbit. He was still slightly puzzled by the findings that he and the Major uncovered but planned to do some research before laying all of his cards on the table. He took a sip of his scotch as he heard the doors open.

“Good Evening, Frank a drink and make yourself at home,” he said.

Shri'Rao usually the first on in was surprised when she found others there.

"Good Afternoon, Captain, Shri'Rao said.

“Hello Lieutenant Sh’veqan, how are you?” Frank asked his Chief of Security.

"Eager to explore the planet below. I have already identified several different classifications of Flora and Fauna. I have to say though I think the planet itself is an artificial construct. If so it would seem the Dalacari and their associates are quite technologically advanced." Shri'Rao stated.

Ensign K'relar walked in and noticed her Security chief and went to sit by Lt Sh'veqan.

As Simon entered the room, he said "Morning all," as he looked over at the assembled officers in the room, as he walked over to the replication unit and got himself a mug of coffee before the meeting started, as he knew to update the Captain on the stores was his job.

“A construct, an interesting observation, we will explore that a bit more, but don’t worry everyone will get a chance to explore below, in fact, it’s part of the reason we’re assembling this evening,” Frank explained.

Arianna walked in and grabbed a cup of tea and sat opposite her husband. "Well good afternoon all, hope you are all well?" she asked.

Deannen followed the Ensign and walked to the hatch. She turned, " You may enter but I cannot." Deannen smiled, Thank you, Ensign." And enter the room, Some were already there and waiting. All she needed was a room full of strangers and not knowing anyone. She could tell due to her ability to read thoughts everyone was wondering why this person had come into the room that is secure for only high ranking people. She took the only recourse she could do.

"Greetings I am Deannen Roinu from Betazed.

James trailed in. He left his lab coat in his office but came up with his PADD and coffee. He was focused on his PADD and blindly made his way in. "Evening everyone. Captain, Major."

"Hello Lieutenant, Major Naomi Griffiths Ships First Officer, welcome to the Penn" Griffiths said. She looked at the Doctor "hello Doctor, how goes things down in Medical?" Griffiths asked.

"Nice and slow Major. The way I like it. Couple minor issues, but everyone seems to be healthy and injury-free." The doctor said putting his PADD down.

Sh'zyllit slid in as one of the last people to the meeting. She stood against the wall to listen in.

M'Relar was already in the room with the others not saying much.

Frank watched the last of his staff arrive in the room, once they were seated he stood and began to speak,” I’d like to start by thanking all of you for your hard work, we couldn’t do our mission without each of you performing your jobs in an exemplary fashion. When you return to your departments please be sure to pass along my thanks to your respective departments.

A couple of quick housekeeping things before I continue we have a couple of new faces in here, Ensigns Hunter and K’relar are both Assistant Chief of Operations, they are currently dividing the duties of the Chief of Operations, if you haven’t met them yet please do so after this meeting.”

Frank took a sip of his scotch before continuing,” next we have Lieutenant Roinu who is now our Chief Flight Officer, she is on the fast track for flag officer training and has been assigned to us for further training, please introduce yourself to her also when we have concluded.

Now then we have come to the crux of this meeting, we’ve been orbiting this planet for two days now without setting foot on it. I know most of you are getting tired of scanning it and want to stand on it and explore. That will begin immediately. As we speak a few of our engineers are flying supplies down to the surface to set up a small base camp on the beach. Science and Security you will have the freedom to conduct patrols in the immediate vicinity, but stay away from the island at grid 4 Section B. The Major and I are still working through some odd readings from there.

I may have forgotten to mention the base camp does include a tiki bar and a few huts containing some recreational gear for swimming, diving, and a few other activities. There will be Cor’s for those who choose to remain on the surface. Ladies and gentlemen this planet is ours for the next week, Starfleet has already launched the colonists through the Catapult yesterday, and they departed Iota Station last night. We will assist them as needed for their first few days before we depart this system. You have one week of shore leave for you and the entire crew, the only caveat is that I do expect the Penn to be manned by a minimal crew in case of an emergency. I will allow you as the department heads to build your watch and leave schedules. I believe I am finished, Any Questions?”

LT Roinu responded."No questions and thanks for the warm welcome. I look forward to making new friends here. I want to spend some time on the Bridge checking out the flight controls during the downtime Captain. With your permission. I will take a few days to relax of course though."

"Yes sir I have one," replied Simon as he looked back at his commanding officer," May I ask who is the Chief of Operations out of myself and Ensign K'relar?" as he leaned back in his chair as the department was getting fractured as they didn't know which to report to.

"I can answer that," Griffiths said looking at the pair "I am Major Naomi Griffiths ships First Officer, welcome to the Penn I have bumped into Mr Hunter here, but not you ensign K'relar and as for a Department Head, you are both in the running for the top post, so here is a little competition, one of you will eventually be promoted to Department Head, the other will remain, Deputy, so good luck to the both of you and may the best officer win. As for who you report to, for the moment that will be me, any questions?" The First Officer asked.

"What I was getting at Sir," replied Simon looking back at the ship's Executive officer as he continued, "the staff are in a muddle on who they report to?" as it was confusing for them to have 2 assistant chiefs. He looked over at the Caitan Officer and thought to himself, oO She told me she was Security, Oo as he decided to bring it up.

“Ensign Hunter and Ensign K’relar, I expect the two of you to divide duties as necessary, you are both adults I expect you two to work together to run your department,” Frank replied.

The young caitan nodded her head."Yes sir, I understand." Ens K'relar said to him
"Sir, if I may, " replied Simon looking back at the ships executive officer, the last time I spoke with her, she informed me that she was in Security," as he wondered if there was a problem with the ship's roster as this sort of screw up could impede how his department worked.

Griffiths thought a moment "she is Security, you are Operations, I am sure you can work something out Ensign Hunter" Griffiths said leaving any further response to the Captain.

“We can sort this out after the meeting,” Kamar replies trying to get the meeting back on topic

"Well," the doctor spoke up after questions died down. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I can confidently say that Captain, you had me at a tiki bar."

Shri'Rao smiled at that. Ensign K'relar was going to be an interesting companion, wait the Captain said she was assigned to ops, not security.

“If there are no further questions leave rotations will begin in one hour, take this time to finalize your watch bill for the duty roster and submit it to the Operations Department please, that way we know who is on duty. I’d like to say a special thanks to Lieutenant Commander Kamar, her team of engineers worked around the clock the last few days replicating everything, so please thank an engineer while your off duty. If there is nothing else this meeting is adjourned,” Captain Kamar said as he stood up.

By the time the Captain had stood up, the doctor was through the door and on his way to medical to get rotations set up and head to the surface. Had anyone not been paying attention it, they would have thought he used the site to site transporter to get to leave faster.

M'Relar was watching the Captain and everyone around her, as she listened to the captain

Frank took the note from K’relar, and read it,” My apologies Ensign K’relar, my old age is catching up with me,” he teased. “I did say, I believe that there were some personnel changes. Ensign K’relar and I had a meeting earlier today, she will be transferred to the Security Department as the new Assistant Chief of Security. Ensign Hunter, consider yourself the Chief of Operations. Have I missed anything else?” he asked with a smile.

"Thank you, sir," replied Simon as he now had been confirmed as the Operations chief, now he had to work out the roster for shore leave and still the investigation into the missing supplies was ongoing and poor Emily still felt that it was her fault as he knew that she would be first on his list to have some Shoreleave.

M'Relar smiled with a slight purr."Thank you, sir." M'Relar said to him with her tail wagging a bit.

Shri'Rao turned to her new colleague and shook her hand.

M'Relar shook her chiefs hand wither paw and smiled back at her.

"Welcome aboard M'Relar". Shri'Rao said.

M'Relar smiled and purred,"Thank you." she said.

"Well done both of you," Griffiths said and looked at Kamar "what now Captain?" she asked.

”If no one has anything, you are dismissed,” Kamar replies.


A post by:

Lt Shri'Rao Sh'veqan
Chief Science Officer
USS Pennsylvania

Major NS Griffiths
First Officer
USS Pennsylvania

Lieutenant JG James Trallos MD
Chief Medical Office
USS Pennsylvania

Lt. J.G. Zassia Sh'zyllit
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Pennsylvania

Captain Kamar
Commanding Officer
USS Pennsylvania


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