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"Security Measures in Engineering"

Posted on Thu Mar 26th, 2020 @ 10:04pm by Lieutenant Commander Arianna Sky Kamar & Lieutenant Shri'Rao Sh'veqan

Mission: Discovery
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: MD 4 1500 hrs


Arianna was thinking of doing some security upgrades in engineering. Beinging in the DQ and basically on their own the need for securitu changes and upgrades seemed necessary. Javing had issues with the Hirogen, and knowing of the Kazon, and the other races Voyager encountered, prompted her to com the Chief of Security.

=/\= Lt. Sh'evqan could you join me in engineering? I have some secirity measures I wish to discuss with you=/\= Arianna said warmly.

=/\= On my way, Commander =/\=

Shri'rao locked down her terminal and padded her way to engineering.

Upon entering the engineering deck; she paused long enough to ask an ensign where Commander Kamar was. The ensign pointed her in the right direction.

She was alone.

"Hi Arianna you wanted to see me?" Shri'Rao asked.

"Yeah....come lets walk", Arianna said and started to walk through engineering with Shrirao next to her. "I was thinking of doing some security upgrades here in engineering. I figure since we are in the DQ and more recently the Hirogen incident had me think of new measures to impliment. I would like to hear your input on this", she finished.

"Interesting, yes the forcefields at least the personnel partitions did seem ineffective. The Hirogen seem to have the ability to phase through them just like the Borg do. I can station some gaurds here if you like, also I am establishing a squad of Marines to act as our Quick Response Team. Tell me in your experience are the Hirogen susceptible to anesticine gas?" Shri'Rao asked.

"I am not sure as they do wear masks so it might filter out the effects. I do know they are a pain in the rear to kill. You have to put the phasers on heavy stun and it would require you to hit them multiple times. Yet I was thinking on possibly a program to incorporate into the engineering systems to possibly send am electrical shock through the console being tampered with or used by the invaders. Of course once the system was triggered, the console would be untouchable by anyone save me or the command staff by our DNA print", Arianna said. "If it works here in engineering, we could possibly have it duplicated for all the sensitive areas of the ship", she added.

"How much of a shock would it be? Could you set for certain hostile life forms? We have the new TR-120 and TR-120H they pack quite a punch and can use various ordinance. It is a projectile weapon that is designed to counter the Hirogen use of energy dampening fields. They are able to attenuate the effectiveness colimated nadion particles and probably disruptor style hand weapons as well." Shri'Rao reported.

"That has its possibilities and the shock would be enough to knock them out. I would have it so it could be reset together species as well", Arianna said. "The TR'120's are good but for a fire arm in engineering, not a good idea. You just might hit the core or something that doesn't react to well with bullets", she added.

"Would it be possible to set up transporter traps as well, if they entered a sensitive area they could automatically be beamed into the brig." Shri'Rao asked.

"Yes, I don't see why not. If I can set up my consoles to shock, I don't see why I can't set up your traps", Arianna said thinking ahead to the process of setting up her DNA scanners for the consoles.

"Can you give them enough of a shock to stun them without blowing out consoles?" Shri'Rao asked.

"Yes, it can be done. I can insulate the consoles so the shock does not blow them out," Arianna said thoughtfully.

"Good I will get some of my people down here to help set it up, Is there anything else, Commander? Shri'Rao asked.

"No....I don't see there is anything else. I hope we can get together later for a drink or a bite to eat", Arianna said.

"I would enjoy that very much Commander" Shri'Rao said.

"Until then Lt. Sh'veqan", Arianna said as she watched the Lieutenant leave.


A post by:

Lieutenant Shri'Rao Sh'veqan
Chief Security Officer
USS Pennsylvania

Lt. Cmdr. Arianna Sky Kamar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Pennsylvania


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